Take it you've never been out in Fenham then... :p :lol:
Caffeine, nicotine (and the other 200-odd addictive substances in tabs), ice cream, heroin and porn. Mebbes not the heroin. :)
I loved living in Fenham, was always summinck going on. It's where all the cool kids live. :cool2:
Also: network.http.max-connections: 48 network.http.max-connections-per-server: 24 network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy: 12...
Copied :D Had that list in my e-mail for ages, always good to know which phrase to use when the vicar's round. :)
1. Badger the witness 2. Bash the bishop 3. Baste the turkey 4. Beat up shorty 5. Beef-strokin'-off 6. Burp the worm 7....
Sounds like .lop - use this to get rid of it: http://www.lop.com/new_uninstall.exe Stop using IE too - that's how you got it. :)
I've saved a fortune on psychiatrist fees since I joined this board :up: :D
What a [img] :down:
Ever since I was little I've been able to control dreams, apart from the fact it gets a little confusing... :spangled: If I had a nightmare...
I slept with my eyes open for most of the night the last coupla nights, been hallucinating and having really lucid dreams too. Being ill sucks...
AVG: http://www.grisoft.com/us/us_dwnl_free.php :up:
Years of piss-taking gives ya thick skin ;) :D PM's matey :D (I'm still giggling - DJ Kitten-Hammer!! :lol: :laugh: ;) )
What are friends for? :D :lol: Keeps you on your toes too :up:
Aww, bless! :) As I said, nowt wrong with it - is a nice shirt. :up: Guess I'm just psychic and knew I could wind you up about it is all :p :D
Nowt wrong with it - just thought I'd make him paranoid and wind him up about it ;) :lol: I see Kyle got there first though!! :lol: :lol:
You know I :love: ya, Boner :D
Separate names with a comma.