Nah, I'm more sexist than racist. I :love: ginger lasses hanging off the end of me bobbin. :D
Ginger. That is all. ;) :D
Just d/loaded this. It's not just scary, it's american :o :eek:
I've tried to call them twice but no answer... :( I think a visit shall be in order too like :D
:secret: ;) :D
Nowt like having roman showers in the middle of an industrial estate in Durham like... :D :lol: :lol:
Dodgy's Desert Island Depravities - sexual acts I could not do without: 1. Snelching 2. Roman Showers 3. Fisted Hamster 4. Overloved...
Wonder if my subscription's still valid? :confused: ;)
But, bad for independent software creators such as adaware and spybot. :down: It's a bit of a paradox really... :spangled:
Second favourite sexual act. Snelching's the tops. :up: :D
Could be good news for peeps though if summinck as good as GIANT is going to be free, it pisses all over adaware and spybot. :up: :lol: :lol: :lol: I can't stop laughing at that!!! :laugh:
The globules float around and cling to you when you get out too. :( Little white love submarines...
Roman showers!!! :D :lol:
*put's strap-on in bag and heads to Smog's hoose to beg forgiveness* ;) :D
It's got the GIANT anti-spyware logo :confused: It is GIANT antispyware! :eek:
*cries* :( :cry:
Re: Re: Re: Whats the crack ? Where's that link? ;)
Shut up, you anal discharge enforcer. :love: :p
Happy birthday matey :D
Separate names with a comma.