The only people you see in limosines these days are girls on hen parties or northerners .... im sure they are a good bit of fun, but hardly...
They wouldnt be able to raise the money fast enough .... it seems like this all could be over in days/weeks now. Its sad to see something from...
I hope nobody had the bright idea of buying shares in northern rock when they were 2 quid odd! .... anyone working there should start looking...
Shocking to think data like that is thrown around and passed between people without a care eh. The amount of places ive worked where...
Yeah - im sure the same can be said of the other 2 million odd of them as well. Best left alone eh :lol:
Turns out it was 100, and not 100k :lol: :lol: :lol: Still, thats 100 people who feel someone else owes them a living. 100 too many. You...
I wonder at what point common sense flew out the window. the statistics sound fishy but if they are true then this is just a complete and utter...
Incapacity benefit .... im sure i heard today that 100,000 people are claiming incapacity benefit for .... ACNE!!!!!!! Did i hear right?...
MICK THIS MIX IS ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT! Had it playing in the car no less than 3 times in the last 24 hours from start to finish .... absolutely...
The ferris wheel bit aint too bad if you get behind the steps to that shack on the far right hand side and snipe from there,.... watch out for...
Just put this on now !!!!! Thanks for putting this together :)
Who won the arm wrestle in the end?
Thanks for posting these links Nascent - always welcome :)
The Satoshi mix is pretty sweet :)
Imagine if you'd bought that place a while back ... you'd be billy fucked now eh if you tried to sell it!!! Spend your money on booze, fags and...
You changed your tune about property Oasis ;) I thought it never dropped in value? :king:
:lol: I managed to melt a bucket using it to fire rockets out of. Very male thing eh - the love of exploding dangerous things :king:
I would have spent a tenner if they had anything other than the priciest ones left, and if there were any other supermarkets OTHER than waitrose...
Separate names with a comma.