Well said :clap: :clap: id rather work for my living and no ive worked for what i got (with a little help from my plastic friends like) crime is shit, frightening innocent people and there families to obtain money, is not something to be proud of
of course it isnt right but ive had a shit last couple years in my life who hasnt? and as long as no one got hurt that is the main thing , i hope they make a film out of it coz i will pay to watch
I don't find it funny, i find the organisation and the fact that no-one was hurt impressive even though its wrong. If they get caught they deserve it, if not fair game. The family will get over it quick enough i would have thought.
Not everyone is a 'trained killer' like you Marc, I would have thought it would take a canny while to get over someone holding a gun to you and saying you're gonna die unless you do what they say.
If i was the one being threatened it would fuck me up no doubt. But i'd get over it just like they will. At least its not a death or even an injury they are coping with.
Probably but given how well executed it was i wouldn't imagine they would be sat there now with £40m thinking 'shit what do we do with this'
I guess loveable criminals are nothing new but all the same i hope they choke on their big cuban cigars (or whatever they choose to fritter the money on) ..........
Just been watching this morning and they were saying its really likely its somebody who works there and knows all about it etc. So I hope they get caught and a large prison sentence while I am saving for Ibiza in this weather
nah i hope they get away with it, well done them. hell of a risk but hey, i would for that much! i bet there were some people out celebrating over the past 2 days!
We don't, Securitas (the company that were robbed) have reimbursed the bank of England. They were reimbursed before it even hit the news Some insurance company director somewhere is feeling pretty ill at the minute i would have thought :laugh:
I heard it was £40million! Thats shit ladsa cash there like! They can't possibly get away with it :tut: Musta been planned for ages, clever criminals, like!!