Re: £80 fine Its all about making money mate. Thats the real reason they have banned smoking so when they catch u smoking they just issue a on the spot fine. Same with public order offences such as urinating in the street and being drunk and so called disorderly. This country is taking the piss out of its people and wanting us to be like fucking robots. U cant do this, u cant do that blah blah. Just let us get on with our lives for fucks sake.
Seriously mate, get yourself down to the Citizens Advice Beareu. You might save yourself £80.00 (if you paid it, you might get it back).
the pigs are losers anyway. A few years back i was attacked by 3 people at once in tynemouth, i fought back and when the disco bus full of rozzers finally arrived it just so happened that i had someone over a wall by their throat fighting back.....anyway, they arrested me, charged me with d&d and abh. I complained, said im not putting up with that and seriously, they changed it to a caution. Wankers. No strip search though haha
thats really shit crack mate! at the end of the day, if you complain, nothing will come from it, it was your word against his. He was a police officer, to him your just another Drunk and Disorderly. There not arsed who they nick, aslong as they get the numbers, so they can get it printed in the chronicle next month "this month so far we've arrested so many drunk and disorderlys" which is a massive improvement from last month"
nowt else 2 say, its bloody snowing and im going 2 that farm party later this will be an event not 2 4get
of course- its my signature but, no amount of eye gouging comes close to being so downright 'crazy' now that is proper mental....
a kna, ive pulled out all me waterproofs i ware for work big bright yellow waterproof coat brigh yellow pants water proof me sas mask balaclaver thing and me big doc martain boots so me feet dont get wet mind u all that stuff is already filthy from working in it, by the time i walk 2 bus stop 2 get into town with the way this rain is pouring it will look brand new
Yeah waterproof footwear is a definite I nearly cried last year when we pulled up in my car and had to park in a mud bath
He wasnt giving you shit you pleb he was refering to what happened to Jamie (the promoter) at the last farm party