he obviously cry's himself to sleep every night thinking about how he could have been bustin' moves with blue
id kill me self if i was so clsoe 2 getting into blue and didnt! or release a few songs and try and be famous! liek gareth gggggggggates i wonder what he is doing now, least he got 2 shag jorden no matter how many of u on here say other people are nicer and that bollox no1 wud say no
i once modeled for Central Stores in Sunderland and 80ft posters of myself around the store (dont laff they want a "tuff street look") this did my pulling power no harm in Chambers nightclub. I have also been on Men & Motors in a documentry about Strippers at the bar I used to work at.
it was the 90's and the chicks loved it. I wish I had a pic but the only copy I had was taken by my bird then and i tihnk she burnt it
hey the new Miami Vice movie comes out in one month. After that my wardrobe will be cool again. I am going to unleash the rope souled boat shoes and pink V necks with white suit jackets. BE SCARED.
Me and Katie were in a fashion show infront of about 600 people when we were little then we had pictures taken and put in newspaper after... ermmm duno what else oh yeah BOARD BIKE 2005