ive been with a lass who did that to her b/f before... instant ex LMFAO @ linzi LMFAO even more @ duncan - 'gurner in the attic'
i can just picture her quite contentedly sat up there on her own smiling away listening to happy hardcore... munch munch munch gurn gurn gurn
the one off the GG board? snuggly? dont you mean 'family size' dont listen to claire shes beyond help... send the text dunc
to be fair she dropped the gurner 4 years ago on a bridge n its just kicking in now lol THIS IS HOW WE DO IT bless her hope she dont come back from greece lol
last reported sighting manchester airport boarding a plane her lip was placed in the hanger destination as yet unkown
ha ha yeah oh the thought r u trying to tell us something tom ???? cos im sure i can arrange a date with her n u if u want ??
I'm glad you can see the funny side. **** Was gonna try and salvage a friendship from this but looks like i've fucked that now