He is exactly what you want from a BB contestant, sheer entertainment, i would much rather have him in there than someone with the personality of a cabbage like Stuart or Shell. Ahmed to win
he has been getting on me tits like.... although i can understand why he was pissed off when michelle threw her flip flop at him.. he's like a kid
If everyone got on in the house it would be boring I say get Stuart out and watch Michelle go mental, Leave Ahmed in to wind the others up. I think Nadia is the most annoying anyhow how addicted to niccotine is she According to the news if ahmed or whoever goes they are allowed to nominate one person to be evicted with them
i thought this last nite.. seven weeks gone and 8 people remaining? there's gonna be multi evictions soon
lets get ahmed out this fri.. if the others stay they're gettin nekkid in the diary room http://bigbrother.channel4.com/bigbrother/news/newsstory.jsp?id=6416
Don't get me wrong, he's anoying as fuck, but I had to agree with him about the flipflop. Isn't it a big insult in muslim society to be hit with a flipflop/sandal? Not that michelle's gonna know that, she prob thinks Muslim is a country near Ibiza.
Yery big insult, the worst possible... remember when Saddam's statue was pulled down and the blokes were hitting it with their shoes? It's almost as bad as showing the soles of your feet to a buddist
He isnt in a Muslim Society so he can fuck off. When our Air Stewardess's even fly over certain middle-east countries they have to done head wear and hide their faces until they have left the air space..... These fuckers want OUR cake and to eat it.