Right, you can say what you want, no threat of ban for anything you say in this thread ok. Why do Sikhs piss you off?
It's not I swear. I just don't get why anyone would hate sikhs. There has been alot or terrorism in the name of muslims in the past few years but not sikhs. Is this just a case of banding all the Asians together?
Sikhs are fantastic people....... their manners and courtesy show us up. Im not sure where this comes from but they are heavily influenced by the English from colonial times.
But in my limited experience they are open minded, friendly & respectful of other people's faiths. I can't think why anyone would hate them?
Me neither. They get little press, and don't seem to be the target of as much hate as other minorities. Unless it's because they have to wear a turban, thereby making them more visibly different. I don't know though.
The sikh's tend to hate no-one, its what they preach... hwoever ever since the muslims kicked them out of india they've been kind of pissed off they aint too fond of hindu's at times either jews and Sikhs however get on like a house on fire, we're both victims