Armin has to be booked, hes number one on my list of DJ's i'd love to see at Promise. He was amazing @ gods on friday.
With all the huge clubs, huge cities and monied clubbers and promoters around the world... i cant see it happening. He´s just far too high profile, and expensive for Promise to get him in i assume.
it's possible i guess. i should expect that even if promise couldnt do it alone, then a joint promise / goodgreef venture certainly could. would be nice
well if that is the case then it is very disappointing as he has been around long enough to have been booked before he was "massive"
Could you not go so far as to say the same about Ferry Corsten? His profile is slightly higher but I can't see him being out of reach completely.. they could up the price on the door and still pack it out for Armin. They'd get a lot of people travelling to see him as well. I've always assumed it was a timing issue. As Promise falls on the last friday of the month so does his residency at Gods. With his Gods night moving to a Saturday I can see possibility in the prospect of booking him.
If they did this then most people would complain, to be honest i dont think Mark can win Big name DJs = some people saying they would happily pay more to get in, but then people who arent as bothered about the big names would be at a loss Not everyone who goes to promise is there to see the DJ, they are there to have a good time and enjoy the music and to be fair a good night at promise can be done with lesser known djs Id rather not have the promoters of the night feel the pressure of people saying to book certain people, i would be more than happy going to promise with just the residents playing, and i would be happy paying the same amount to see the residents as i would bigger names thats my view on the matter anyway This doesnt mean i dont wanna see armin at promise by the way, just that im a stingy fucker and wouldnt pay extra for it
Yeah your right about that. Im not a club promoter and this is just a massive GUESS, but im assuming that Ferry played once at promise and realised that when the club is packed out, its as good as... if not arguably better than anything between newcastle and london can offer - which is why maybe he's been back up for the first cometogether gig, and of course last month. Maybe its just a case of pursuading him up - i dunno. Newcastle is a bit of a trek out unfortunately, which if your dj'ing all around the world might put some jocks off? Just guessing.
Yeah spot on. I'd say the price of getting into a club is probably only 15% of what an average night out costs me... so they could charge 20 quid and i'd still say it was worth it. Unfortunately it seems that the pricing on the door or on flyers seems to put alot of people off - or at least thats what ive heard from a few people, basic supply and demand seems to be in effect strongly? Unfortunately promoters i assume make nothing from anything other than people through the door so its not like they can edge up the drinks prices to compensate for a reduced door fee.
book a decent techno dj, im sick of hearing people go i dont like hearing techno in promise when really promise has only had the monkey circle techno djs. if your gonna book a trance dj get luke terry, he's the only trance dj ive seen in a while who has acually impressed me, i think he'll make it big so it would be good of promise to notice some talent for once instead of just booking the same crap as rival nights
im not licking ass mate, only pointing out the truth theirs loads of class djs in newcastle. i seriously can't remember the last time i seen a trance set at promise that impressed me, that bag of shite gielen was playing was a discrase.
i strongly agree with u about booking the same DJ's as Rival nights, what Promise needs is young fresh talent! Go Luke