I've got 3 (all tenagers now) but couldn't stand any of them as babies... wailing snotting shitting pissing vomming constant demanding waking you up at night little bastards. start getting a bit better at 6 months, then they start walking and they're nightmares again. They're nice at 3 to 10 or so, then they get worse again love em to bits though pics (if anyone gives a toss)... chris
Awwww they r sooo cute! How cute is your little girl? I bet shes dead pretty! Just think...I started going clubbing n stuff when I was a teenager (even though I still am ) but think they might be soon! dun dun dunnnnn
ta, she is (well I reckon) oh man don't say that, she's only just 13 and still me little girl. Mind Chris, who's 16 now, was at the Chems with me in December.. well he went with his mates not me, but we were both there. madness
Si your kids are absolutely gorgeous! Ive been to see him he's so tiny! 6lbs 4 ounces my sister was on the phone from Thailand crying Everyone is really emotional... He is so so so cute Just a little pink thing with really dark hair! Im sure I will have a photo soon had to rush to get there so didnt take anything with me. :angel3: