For Katie.... from a while ago... the bottom one is eating the top one... and they only come out at night, move at 10mph, can jump 3 feet in the air and make screaming noises
lads, stop posting foul pictures of spiders.... i aint normally that bad with em, but there fooking rank! thamkyou ! xx
Re: For Katie.... There was actually one that big in my yard this morning well maybe a little bit smaller..
Oh my GAWD! Tom what the hell r those! Ahhhhh oh my god...they r so huuuuuge! I bet they make scuttly noises when they walk aswell with all their horrible prickly legs...urgghhh oh my god!
URGGHHH! I just looked at the top one again and it has blood around its mouth! It has just preyed on a innocent human! *Gulp* I am next!
Oh my god...i am actually shivering from looking at the picture! I didnt read underneath! They can make screaming noises! What the hell! I hate them! Oh my god...
think they're called camel spiders, they jump up onto camel's belly's and drink thier blood.....mmmm nice!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bee's daddy long legs are supposed to have the most powerful venom known to man!! but they can't bite thru human skin or don't have teeth or something? :spangled: sorry if some1 has said that before i jus couldn't be arsed to read the whole thread!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bee's Nooo way! Seriously? I am not going 2 leave the house with everyone posting pics like that and telling me what i thought were innocent daddy long legs can bite you!x:groovy:
lol ive never thought of that, you always hear people say "ah the bees wont sting you cos they die when they do" but they might not know they are gonna die, although im sure they know they die.
i imagine they know hence there general reluctance to sting you. but wasps and hornets could all be wiped off the face off the earth and i wouldnt miss em one bit... just leave the bees. and that pic looks like a face hugger from aliens... you would brick if ya saw that thing.... PS (calm down, thats not real )
looking at all these creepy crawlies is making me paranoid...stop posting them...i'll have to check my bed b4 i get in tonight now...incase somethings crawled in there!!!