Bellamy,Dyer,Woody, Corty & now......

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheSpence, May 20, 2003.

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  1. eyeball

    eyeball Registered User

    Nov 28, 2001
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    Shoreditch, East London
    we used to be in humberside, til they changed it all, now its north lincs

    we are scunthonians mate, thats the term!
  2. DoctorMick

    DoctorMick Registered User

    Apr 2, 2002
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    Sunderland :)
    I'm not saying this because he might sign for newcastle but he was amazing a year and a half ago, since then he has been pants! He is also a thug, nothing more, Newcastle would be better off without him, you have some good young midfielders, no point having his disruptive influence around!
  3. DoctorMick

    DoctorMick Registered User

    Apr 2, 2002
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    Sunderland :)
    Is that none of your players are ever in trouble?!?!? :spangled:
  4. Jason Bourne

    Jason Bourne Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
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    In all fairness, if I remember correctly, he was a fuckin legend on Champ man :D

    I think that Bowyer will be a good signin. Yes he may be a cock and have a sizeable amount of "distraction" for the younger players at the toon but I think that bobby will keep him in touch.

    Remember this is bobby robson.. he has done almost everything there is to do in football and he is an excellent judge of ability and character..

    Bowyer will be a good signing cos he can perfrom well on the pitch.. and thats where it all really matters..

    This is comin from a Sunderland fan too... (Harsh comments and wild use of the words "Scum", "Mackem" and "Twat" are welcome :D )
  5. Geordie

    Geordie "Im Outta Time"

    Nov 12, 2001
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    "Aye you look arsed like"
    If Bowyer handn't of had all that shit with the court case then he would of been in the Englad Squad that went to the world cup for definate !!

    How isnt he a good signing ?? He's a box to box midfielder who has had a few troubles in his game but so have a few of the Newcastle players ?? If i remember rightly Woodgate took a 6 week wage ban when he was at Leeds to do with the same case so slating Bowyer for being a trouble maker is daft !

    Bobby Robson will know what he is doing signing him - i personally think its a good move, he's an England player who as well as ive mentioned about scoring goals can also put his foot in unlike the fannys in Robert / Solano - Jenas has even seemed a little light weight at times altho he's come on leaps n bounds !

    Lee Bowyer might turn out to be the bargain of the season if it all comes off this signing !

    Lets just support the players on the field and forget about pasts !
  6. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    two words you dont put together.
  7. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    I agree.

    Best thing that ever happened to Woodgate was that he got a fresh start, and look how far he has come since then. Robson said at the time that splitting him & bowyer up was good for him (or something like that).

    The last thing the club needs is bowyer fucking it all up again... and if you want a decent player who plays the same position, you can do far better than bowyer.
  8. LazMan

    LazMan Registered User

    Nov 1, 2002
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    They'll be changing Icon to Majestyx next. Leeds on Tyne and all that.
    Nevermind, I think he's the perfect signing. He's a decent battling midfielder who's more defensive minded than Dyer, Jenas and Robert (the plank. Can't believe he got 2nd highest Opta index in the side last season).
    And Bobbys calming (barely alive) influence should keep the lad in check.
  9. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    TAKEN FROM NUFC.COM. Long but worth a read

    Moral argument:
    Bowyer debate
    Right, (large intake of breath) here we go. After reading every single one of the hundreds of emails we've received in the last 24 hours here's an
    attempt at a summary.
    First of all, we must take exception to the spanner at the club quoted in today's Guardian:
    Yet a senior figure at Newcastle agreed with Robson and dismissed anticipated protests from fans and neutrals as: "A storm in a teacup. The
    club has had thousands of emails and 75% of them say 'it's great if it happens.' We realise we have signed a player who is not everybody's cup of
    tea but we are confident we can handle the situation - we have had enough experience. Give the lad a chance." What a rotten piece of PR that is. Thousand of emails? Errrr, you can't actually email the club - you have to fill in a nasty feedback form (if you can see it behind all the pop-up ads). Thousands? I doubt it. 75% in favour
    saying "it's great if it happens" - again I just don't believe that. Most of you seemingly in favour of the signing, stop well short of saying "it's great".

    Without actually tallying up the responses I'd say it's about 70-30 against the signing but as is always the case, those motivated to register their
    opinion are often the outraged, with the ambivalent and reasonably pleased unlikely to bother.
    "Storm in a tea cup"?! Nice one. What does that say about how the club values its fans' opinions? Some of you have written in protest for the first
    time ever such is your strength of feeling. Some have said they will not renew their season tickets if Bowyer signs. Some Asian supporters have said
    they will feel thoroughly betrayed. THIS IS SERIOUS STUFF. NOT JUST A STORM IN A BLOODY TEA CUP!

    After sleeping on things it's the amount of hypocrisy on both sides of the argument which stands out the most for me - and I include myself in that. The moral outrage against Bowyer could easily be transposed onto members of our current squad. Be careful when criticising Bowyer that you apply the same high moral standards to those you currently adore....
    How many of those in support of the signing, sang the "I wanna know why you're not in jail" song at Elland Road and Upton Park? It might also be
    worth re-visiting your feelings for this player after the infamous trial and refusal to pay the club fine, or when he stamped on the head of Malaga's Gerardo. How many of us were thankful he wasn't on our books then? The trial for the attack on Sarfraz Najeib may possibly be the biggest red
    herring of the lot. For a start, there had to be a re-trial after the issue of race was splashed across the tabloids at a crucial stage of the case - allegedly due to the intervention of the victim's father.

    It was then clearly stated that there was no question of racial motive for the attack. Bowyer was then found not guilty - not innocent as some of you have claimed - although the judge called him a "liar". Woodgate was found guilty of affray and sentenced accordingly. Those are the facts.

    Whether they bear any resemblance to the truth is something for you to decide, based on a mixture of media hype and counter-hype. But are crown court verdicts all you base your opinions on??
    The incident with Bowyer in the burger bar in his days at Charlton seems far more relevant.
    Woodgate has clearly shown remorse some of you have said, which is the big difference between him and Bowyer. Plus Woody seems like he's learnt from
    his errors. So, if Bowyer came out and showed some remorse in front of the cameras and said "some of my best mates are coloured [hypothetical sic here]
    - just ask Defoe, Ferdinand(s), Radebe etc etc...." would you change your opinion? I'm not sure I would....Some of you think he deserves a second chance? Which second chance would that be - his seventh or eighth? Some footballers seem to think they have nine lives and are hell bent on using every one of them. Think of our own
    habitual offenders....

    Making a case for or against the signing on moral or grounds of character is flawed with pitfalls. I hear Hughie Gallacher wasn't someone you'd
    necessarily like your daughter to bring home but that didn't stop him becoming a footballing legend. Some of my own heroes who appear to be
    paragons of virtue have all got foes who would swear they are the devil incarnate.
    And finally, on football grounds would the signing be a good or a bad one?

    We got him on a free and could sell him for profit if things went pear-shaped. That sounds like good business. His wages are probably the same
    as most of the other first-teamers so why the £40k figure keeps being bandied about is a mystery.
    Would he strengthen our midfield - which most would agree looks lightweight when Speed is missing? It's probably a given that an in-form Bowyer could do a good job for us. However, he's out of form and struggling to get over an
    injury. But so was Woodgate, Bellamy, Ambrose etc. etc. We'll have to trust Bobby and the medical staff on that one.

    Conclusion? None at all. Trying to come to some rational and moral judgement about the whole thing seems almost a waste of time but at the same time
    critical to the immediate future of the club. We're in danger of disappearing up our own hypocritical backsides on this one.
    Gut feeling and irrational prejudice is what most football fans thrive on. Usually that means some petty rivalry and banter and it's all relatively
    harmless fun but when it suddenly becomes serious we can tie ourselves up in knots.
    My gut feeling? I've always loathed and despised Bowyer as an opposition player and general media persona. Can I rationally justify that? Probably
    not. Will I be able to get over it for the good of the club? Dunno. Seemspretty tough at the moment....

    Niall (while Biffa is somewhere in Seville....)
  10. Miller

    Miller Registered User

    May 4, 2002
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    The Corner
    I have had my head in bit's the past few days trying to find my true viewpoint on the Bowyer saga, but the more I think about it, the more confusing it becomes.

    It is, beyond doubt, a great piece of business. Liverpool were going to pay 9m for him last summer and we are getting him nothing.

    He is a brilliant player, almost got Leeds to the semi final of the European Cup on his own and would certainly take Solano's place in the team away from him.

    If anyone can curb his ways then it is Sir Bobby. He has done it with so many people, but IMO I think he may well of met his match here. It is not like he has done one or two stupid things, but at least four really bad incidents that spring to my mind.

    Here's hoping that he does turn out to be one of the best midfielders in the country once again for everyones sake
  11. Geordie

    Geordie "Im Outta Time"

    Nov 12, 2001
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    "Aye you look arsed like"
    Bobby's worked with :

    Romario (he was a cunt)
    Stoichkov (same again)
    Vitor Baia (nancy)

    In alot of his jobs he has had to deal with people that bring the club and game into dis-repute *spelling* - i couldnt think of anyone better to sort him out to be honest - he even said on his programme that Romario was a nightmare to work with but on the pitch was different class :D

    I have nee worries and will welcome Bowyer with open arms !

    :D :D :D
  12. Miller

    Miller Registered User

    May 4, 2002
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    The Corner
    I know what you are getting at here John, but none of those did anything near the scale of what Bowyer has did in the past. They were just brilliant players with attitude, bit like a Di Canio. Bowyer has been in court for assualt, drugs, criminal damage, not the same really is it?

    I do think that he is a good signing, but I still have my doubt's over his mentality.
  13. Ruth

    Ruth Registered User

    Sep 10, 2002
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    Hoochie Mamma
    this is bad beans!!! we shouldn't sign him - tis not a gud thing!!! :(
  14. spud693

    spud693 Registered User

    Feb 4, 2002
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    Out in the sticks cool as fukk gang! :)
    i dont know. he's not a murderer or anything, he's a charver, plain and simple. albeit one with a lot of money who is good at football.

    i think providing we make it clear that he must follow OUR RULES, and the consequences if he does break the rules, then we can't really lose. we can afford the wages, no problem, if he fucks about, sell him. no loss. bobby wont take shit, he's worked with the biggest names in football and he wont let some jumped up charva take the piss outta him, if he fukks up, he'll walk. believe me.

    and i dont think he'll have all that many chances left, so the incentives are there, he can come good, or he can fuck off. simple. morality aside, he's nothing to worry about.
  15. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Bob has tamed Bellers with OUR rulers!!

    We have got 3 players with ongoing Police investigations relating to RAPE ,RACISM & ASSAULT
  16. spud693

    spud693 Registered User

    Feb 4, 2002
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    Out in the sticks cool as fukk gang! :)
    But as it stands, we must make it clear that we are giving him a chance. if he fucks up, no bollocks, no slapped wrists - out.

    we cant tame him, HE must tame himself. all we would be doing is giving him the opportunity to do so.

    and if he cant, tough shit, he goes.
  17. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Big clubs dont sack top players, as they know that the player would just join a rival team for nowt.

    The only big name player I can think of that has got sacked was Dennis Wise & even then I think it was chance for Leicester to get him off the wage bill.
  18. spud693

    spud693 Registered User

    Feb 4, 2002
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    Out in the sticks cool as fukk gang! :)
    im sure they know what they are doing.

    have faith in bob. he wont take any shit. and im sure the contract that is offered to bowyer will cover our backs, were not stupid.
  19. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Our club is 1 if not the most undisciplined clubs in the country off the pitch. I am sure Bowyers agent/lawyers will make sure if Lee gets sacked he gets a big buck payoff. All Football clubs are stupid when it comes to signing players, some club give Flo 30k a week.
  20. Guest

    At the end of the day he is free! he's a hard working midfielder and will come in usefull!

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