thats what i was told at the hospital..... i was also told i may have enlarged heart muscles, which can cause death at any time. I should really have went to see the heart specialist like they advised
yes..... i did have an appointment, but the nhs is shit and it got cancelled, i kept rebooking a few times over a couple of years as i wasnt a priority.... just gave up in the end
its cos u stand up too quickly but if u dont get it just when standing up then it could be aneameia.... not nice though, i blackout a canny bit when i was younger and hurt myself a few times, thankfully not too seriously
you need to go to the doc's i did that about 7 time went to the doc's an they sent me to the hozy i had an e.c.g an a nother scan they told me i had ( epilepsy ) your better to go an see i though its was high bloodpreasure
but it can just be off standing up too quickly which everyone gets..... ....stand up walk a few steps, get really bad tunnel vision and just as u feel like ur gonna black out you start to come round..... I was at my mam's once, our bedroom was on the ground floor at the front of the house, i woke up, walked through the house, upstairs to the bathroom, opened the thing i knew i was picking myself off the floor at the other end of the bathroom, having walked over and cracked my head of the sink of the way down...woke up with a big lump on my head. I think thats my most scarey moment as i realised it could have been much worse if i'd smashed my face off it or snapped my neck.