i know but i hate paying into my pervert of a landlords backpocket and want to get on the housing ladder....i aim to have kids when i'm 30 lol so gotta get the ball rolling
house prices are sooo expensive been having a look online yesterday and james man i had u all planned out to be the godfather
Buying a house is one of the best things I ever did - mine has now gone up enough that I can afford a flat in London! Good luck!
oh my god how dare u all slag off children!! they are the best people ever!!! spend a day in my job and u'd both soon realise how class they were!! (saying that am sooo dreading going back to work but once i'm there will probs love them all again !!)
aaww james....i'm sure u'll change ur mind when once of us lot has children... even if u dont want them yourself one day u'll realise how lush they are!!
no rach kids shit and puke everywhere keep you up all night, take all your money so you can't go out, basically all the fun goes out the window. Thing the only time you get fun out of kids is when they turn 18 and start going out on the lash, but then your to old to fucking enjoy it.
hey alex man its another 7 years till i plan on having any, no need to worry now i can assure u lol!! and no fucking way would ya's phase me out just because i had a little one!! :evil: i'd hardly be bringing it round with me 2 hayleys on a friday would i.... u evil goddamn bunch :evil:
we never see you anyway:evil: , if you had a kid you'd phase yourself out we wouldn't even need to try