It was a bit shit but it was good fun. Starting drinking at 12.30 and carrying on all day though.... god i felt awful yesterday
is it worth watching it there? me and martin have got the day off on thursday, was thinking of watching it there lonsdale was good on saturday
hm i think if you're a proper football fan then probably not because the picture's not that great. I liked being outdoors though and am never quite sure who's got the ball anyway so it suited me. I saw Martin in the Head of Steam after 11, how embarrassing. By that point i was being propped up
ok cool ha ha, i wouldnt worry that much, he was fucked beyond comprehension anyway, he wont have remembered seeing you im sure seeing him last night made me thankful i was home by 7 on saturday
I'm quite proud of myself for lasting the whole day, but my flatmates took the piss out of me quite a lot when i got in. i saw someone from work as well unfortunately, awful. awful. Still, think i'll go out in Leeds tonight