Car Sharing lanes

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by trance_fan, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. Smog

    Smog Registered User

    Nov 21, 2003
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    :up: :up: :up:

    the rail industry is a joke, having been a part of it for a year i can confirm its full of beaurocracy and jobsworths... all gner are interested in are profits, the customers come a distant second.

    virgin are renound as the worst in the business, but i do quite like their trains (when they are on time).

    jeez you're in stupid mood today...

    having travelled up and down that way for years its a busy line, there are commuters in both directions and plenty of people go both ways for shopping and drinking/clubbing... plus other journeys. its nowhere near the busiest line in the country but would be a decent guinea pig to trial a new train/line.

    and its spelt middlesbrough ;)
  2. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    One of the main problems is that the consumer seems to get punished at every turn, but without any credible alternative offered.

    Who wants to ride a sweaty, packed, miserable train when they can get in a cheap car and drive to work for a similar cost.

    Completely out of whack.
  3. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    chris, we're past the days of giving people the choice, you might feel you've been excluded or punished but in the bigger picture the personal cost to you is nothing in relation to the external costs you exert driving to work, roads are the only utility in the country which is free at point of use so in theory and practice you get off lightly only paying £20 a week..

    I don't know what your complaining about screech, you'll get to work quicker and if you do manage to find someone in your area you'll save money :D
  4. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Maybe its arrogant, but im sure as much as there might be some busy trains at certain times up north - its nowhere near enough in volume to invest any sizeable money in a high speed rail link from one small northern town, to an even smaller one.

    Even the london to newcastle line seems to be 2/3 full of social travellers - the real money is made from workers.

    Obviously this is a chicken and egg argument here - but the fact remains that in the UK we seem to be spending far too much time and evergy catering for Chav's and age'ing baby boomers..... than we are investing in the MASSIVE infrastructure projects that are happening in Asia and the like.
  5. Smog

    Smog Registered User

    Nov 21, 2003
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    im sure its better to trial it on a quiter line, and if its successful it will almost certainly increase train users and cut traffic.

    the implementation would no doubt take time and the inevitable and dreaded engineering works, so a busy southern commuter line into london may not be an ideal place to test.
  6. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    It would cost hundreds of millions to build Maglev trains and stations - I doubt the length of the lines would make much of a difference.

    Maybe Edinburgh to York or somewhere might be a suitable trial distance.
  7. Sasha

    Sasha Registered User

    May 9, 2003
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    Dirty Leeds
    i got a fine off GNER ages ago for not having my railcard with me

    still havent paid it :oops:

    they said theyre gonna take me to court :lol: for like £3 of their money
  8. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    ouch brid, i'm suprised by the stupidty of that comment!

    there isn't a credible alternative, does this mean we should just give up? car ownership is rising rampantly, especially in the north east and south east..

    its a faustian bargain, people love their cars, you can provide the nicest cleanest trains in the world and the public still don't/won't use them unless you have sufficient population density, look at germany (esp munich), the europeans have realised this and instead of continuing to shell out hundreds of millions of sparkling tram and train systems (incidently the UK has more miles of light rail than any other country in europe) they have come to the realisation that the only way to cut congestion, reduce pollution and improve safety is to as chris says 'punish' road users and stop them using their cars, its quite obvious really..

    its a synergy of ideas, pay as you drive nationwide road pricing, city centre congestion charging, workplace parking levvies, car pooling lanes, moderate predict and provide roadbuilding schemes, public transport improvments... there is no one soloution..
  9. Smog

    Smog Registered User

    Nov 21, 2003
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    possibly, but a problem could be that edinburgh - york is on the east coast mainline, extremely busy and has enough disruptions already.

    i would love it to be between newcastle and m'boro for obvious reasons, between the two stations there aren't too many stops so infrastructure upgrading would be minimal compared to many other lines. of course it depends on whether itsthe line through darlington or the one through sunderland but im sure wherever it happens there will be many reasons for selecting the line that we dont know about.
  10. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    the only developed countries in the world with major road building schemes are australia and america, both of which have a total disregard for a global environmental agenda...

    the asian countries which you talk of are either developing nations, or have incredibly stritch road pricing schemes (singapore / japan)...

    the global transport agenda is to lower car use and encourage sustainable transport with a range of options rather than large scale engineering projects..
  11. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Its not a silly comment - it IS out of whack.

    OK lets take my commuting options as a great example.

    I live about 30 miles away from where i work .....

    Train - 200 pounds per month. 1 hour and 45 minutes commute time. Or 250 quid per month to knock maybe 20-30 minutes off that time.

    Good points
    - Able to sit, read and listen to music.

    Bad points
    - Contemplating suicide while packed like cattle in a miserable, overcrowded, frequently late, cancelled train.

    Alot of the time you end up sitting on the floor, since theres no place to sit ... and paid 15-20 quid for the pleasure of it.

    Drive - 10 pounds per day in petrol, 9 pounds per day to park. Travel time is roughly 1 hour and 15 minutes.

    Good points
    - Own space, no standing on train platforms, no walking to stations, no 'cancellations'

    Bad points
    - Horrific, and i mean horrific traffic. Speed cameras. Overly expensive parking. Expensive petrol (admittedly i drive a 25mpg car which isnt exactly good but hey).

    The lack of a credible alternative comes from the fact that we HAVE to go to work, but the option to take public transport becomes a very thin argument since its a similar price to driving and you dont have to sit inhaling everyones germs or wanting to scream out in frustration every 10 minutes. The car journey is a very tempting option.
  12. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Japan might have some of the most punitive motoring costs and restrictions in the world...

    ... But it also has one of the most advanced and decently priced rail networks in the world. Im sure there are more earthquakes and terrorist attacks in japan than delays on the tracks - its just THAT good.

    .... Its also run by a private company, in one of the most expensive places (if not THE most expensive) in the world and STILL manages to be significantly cheaper.
  13. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    to justify such a scheme the cost : benfit has to be 1:2 just to open up existing lines, even higher if your talking fancy trains and and fancy lines, rest assured it won't happen in our lifetime!

    the governments having enough strife meeting the statford cross rail deadline in london for the olympics.. on target for... 2013 :lol:
  14. Aaron!

    Aaron! Coming soon...

    Jun 6, 2005
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    It said something about the North East trying to improve the economy and encourage commuting throughout the area and it would bring jobs and stuff to the area.

    Its also not just about testing it in the country its about an area having the balls to risk the testing and put it in place and the councils think that it would be a boost for the north east having this line in place, but i cant remember the full article and i dont have the paper any more.

    Seems Midlesbrough council are serious about regenerating Boro with the ideas theyre coming up with the ideas for the new state of the art college then the first major casino in the counrty aswell that were drawn up.
  15. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    I was reffering to the flipancy of it :p

    Which proves my point and all the thinking espoused by transport planners in the last 15 years, you put your personal benefit ahead of everything else, hence the faust reference.. you only see the cost to you, which I'm not in the slightest bit denying and nor is the government, but the majority of car users have a blind ambivelance to the scale of the massive social, environmental and economic external cost car use disposes on the country..
  16. Smog

    Smog Registered User

    Nov 21, 2003
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    i might have a look on the net for it later :up:

    its about time they started regenerating boro, after the farce of the teesside development corporation and the middlehaven site the people deserve some serious investment... afterall its hardly endearing when people have to go through wasteland to get to the riverside which has partly led to the bad image... the area has potential but its never realised.
  17. Aaron!

    Aaron! Coming soon...

    Jun 6, 2005
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    Ive saw a few things on the news but not really paid much attention but theyre all on the riverside that theyre meant to be investing in.

    There was people petitioning to get the go ahead for the casino and hotel etc in town the other day as it would be a major boost for the area loads of jobs and could see tourism increase to the area as it would be the first major casino in the uk of its kind.
  18. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Social responsibility is important...

    .... But at 7.00pm on a friday night when your exhausted from a weeks work and suddenly stranded in the middle of surrey till 9pm because of 'the wrong kind of leaves on the track' delaying a load of trains and causing other ones to be cancelled, and you arranged to meet people an hour ago, and your ready to kill the next person who looks at you in the wrong way ........ its hard NOT to think 'ill drive to work next week'.

    :rolleyes: :D
  19. Smog

    Smog Registered User

    Nov 21, 2003
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    aye ive heard about the casino, personally i think its a good move for the local economy and anything that improves middlehaven will be a bonus, its been 10 years of that ugly wasteland since the riverside was built, with false promises of investment so i hope this is finally genuine.
  20. Lee

    Lee original gowans artwork

    Jan 7, 2005
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    :lol: :lol: buy a fucking smart car then

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