I was thinking about calling one of them fish but my boyf has got a mate called fisher so he wouldnt thought we'd nbamed him after him
Coco & Ginger are my two cats names ! Little shits they are sometimes, they know when baldy walks thru the door boss eyed every weekend tho ! Keep themselves to themselves and dont seem to mind some fucking decent trance either !
here's a pic but its not very good. So you can tell what size the are, the grey thing next to them is a speak which isn't even a foot square. And theres 2 kitten curled up together in the pic.
my cats are called garfield (he's ginner) and sprite (my brothers a retard ) and they're 13 this year! my dog is called "brendarcy dusty dogwood" or dusty for short... i miss them
Aww Amy they look cute!!!! How small. Kittens are so cute, its when they are full grown Tom cats when they get an attitude!
If I didn't say that pic was of the kittens nobody would've known what they are. You can't tell cos they're so small when they're curled up Hogg keeps sending me texts telling me what theyre doing and its driving me mad! I cant wait til I get home tonight so i can spend some time with them
ur not up to parns & yvonnes stanards yet...they not only have an array of animals but a fish breeding programme to compensate!!