can't believe that the lad let them get in that state...bless the little buggers... wait til they get bigger & the amount of noise they'll make then when chasing each other!! all's i can say is good luck!
Hoggs starting to realise what it's gonna be like. They were only attacking me though. Seems they just attack whoever is in the house the most on that day! I feel rotten for them being home alone today when we're both at work
aww don't feel bad...they'll b having a wail of a time without u...they'll have the vodka & :chill: on the go...job's a good 'un!
They can hardly get on the bed and that's about 3 times shorter than the height of the bench. Kittens that small can only jump onto things when they've got a way of digging their claws in and pulling themselves up. They're starting to attempt it with the bedroom curtains
lol, i love troublesome kittens!!! ades oldest kitten (shes really a cat now, but i dont like to admit it!) is preggaz, so if any1 wants some more kittens, let me know!
They were toally chilled when u saw them. You've been fooled into thinking theyre little angels. Theyre monsters really
it's alrite for me cos i can leave again after seeing them so if they're bein glittle gits i can excape where as you can't!! bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I have three cats. Below is Sammy. Sammy knows of a secret passage to Hades. Now go away so he can check in with THE MASTER.