Yeah I suppose, he could have been stopped. I just meant its something you do to yourself, so you are to blame at the end of the day. Everyone deserves another chance though. Getting that big twice is just ridiculous though!
she was seeing one of my mates borthers or something and he mentioned it to me so i went straight to her for full info
hehe i get you now he needed some will power & self discipline knowing he had issues surrounding a) his weight & b) how much food he wanted to eat
should parents who feed their children nothing but junk food have them taken into care? does anyone know if this is currently the case? if u where found to be feeding your dogs only mars bars id bet they would take that away
i don't think it is, but it should be the case...there is no excuse not to feed your kids decent food...its simple you make them it instead of unwrapping it
I guess you just get to a point where you have eaten so much you cant move - then all you can do is eat!
Its shockin tho how u bars dont serve u when uve had too much to drink yet mcdonalds continue to serve fatties
I can think of more shocking things but yeah your right. At the end of the day some big fat bloke/lady isnt going to get violent or be abusive if they have another macdonalds.
Ergh this man is making me feel physically sick jsut watching him, I don't unerstand how he can be still alive, not only was he over 70 stone but he smoked as well :sick:
they were going to slap tax on fatty foods in supermarkets which is shit for those who either need to put weight on or who can ensure they maintain a relatively healthy weight... my idea was to put fat scales at the check outs that you stand on & if you're well over your ideal weight you pay fat tax on your fatty foods
erghhhh Im not even watching it Im watching Americas next top model! You boys would much prefer it 2 of the models are getting it on I think