no they wouldnt be as nice if they were pre packed like from greggs and petrol stations but if u went to somewhere where they made u a sandwich when u asked for one (like Deli's and stuff) then they ould be nice mmmmmmmmmmm
no cos then the crisps would go soggy, you have to put the crisps in just before you eat it or the crisps wont be crispi anmore
ergh soggy crips arent nice but if they made u a fresh sandwich like in deli's and stuff they would be nice odnt u think sarah?
yea i suppose if they were made freshly, that way i wouldnt have to sit for ages putting my chrisps in to my sarnies.
Milky bars for me they are shit hot! But i love dipping dary milks in a cuppa coffee sometimes too sounds rank but its actually lush!