sometimes i wonder what guys would think if we stared at their crotch? I think it'd be so random staring at something when someones talking to you that isn't the face, its just funny. think this is why the really blatent guys puzzle me sometimes!
I enjoy abusing men when Im out if they put my hand up my skirt! Trying to think of a wild creature to compare them with and making them want to cry is great
I know your so right. Can you imagine staring at their nipples or tummy or something? They would just think we were weird!!
one guys tried to put his bottle up my friends skirt once, it was well out of order!she went mental he looked as if all hell had broken lose and he was the only man on the planet to take it on!
ha ha well i've already coined this year "the year of mischief" so anything's possible! need a little corruption once in a while! :angel2: