south africa!!! used to live there.... but go zambia, malawi or tanzania.... cheaper... better wildlife and the people are a hell of a lot more friendly....... love africa so much.... beautiful land...
Blimey! Havent thought of 2007 yet! You are so well planned. I think Vietnam and Laos would be pretty awesome, massive culture shock tho!! Where bouts in S Africa? Im being shallow this year and doing the beach holiday. Skint Not at the boat, am too old or at least I feel it Firstly - yeah all the ones we looked at are all inclu - BARGIN!! 2nd -
it'll b similar to cambodia i think...would love to do charity work over there dunno where i'd go in s.a. would have to look into it...i'm going to have to be organised cos of the way the hols are at work i'm going to florida next year to orlando for 2 weeks :lol dunno what that say's about me since you;re still a spring chicken compared to me
zambia's wicked.... vic falls isa must.... wicked bungee... mental white water rafting..... still know some people who run a game lodge in the luangwa valley.... just let me know nearer the time and will hook you up with the details!!!
i just hope you still frquent these parts when i'm planning on going... am going to hav eto b brave & just go myself i think cos i don't think i know anyone who will do most of the things i'll do... i would white water raft & bungee
being totally serious... know we aint even met or owt.... but would be quite happy to come with..... still know loads of peeps in africa... can still do things on the cheap!!!
cheers for the offer would bare it in mind...just don't know how safe it is these days for lasses to travel on their own... although i know a lass who currently travelling around the world on her own...she went to angkor wat on christmas day
got a mate who went ther last year... says its fuking brilliant.... but hell yeah i'll come wid ya.... in all seriousness was planning on visiting soon anyway...... africa's fairly safe tbh... as long as you stick to the basic rules of travelling!!
i was there earlier this year & it's jaw droppingly awesome i do where ever i am travelling (uk included) i also get bored of my own company & eventually books
same..... first time i went to zambia and malawi i was on my own got soo bored.... ended up :chill: :chill: all day with some lads i met over there!!!
an english guy ran a pub over there & threw water on them & then sent them back to the hotel in tuk tuk with instructions to have a cool bath & then lie odwn with the t.v on to fall asleep