you said you could have a shower and sunbed combo because water would not get near the electricity due to this "protective glass" this sounded like you were referring to the sheets of perspex that you lie on that go on top of the tubes...."which stops you getting frazzled in about 2 seconds" - whats that got to do with broken glass? Any example of said third degree burns? I think you are talking out of your arse tbh. as per.
UV protective wud stop UV rays getting thru, which wud mean you wudn't get a tan not the best idea for sun bed
I agree with the people taking the piss out of Alex. Its just perspex to stop you bursting lightbulbs on your back and dying in the process Stand and tans just have a cage mesh and the bulbs arent fancy super protected things at all. donkey
It does sound like an incredibly stupid way to increase the amount of money it costs to manufacture a sunbed if you're A. Choosing to install tubes that emit more UV light than what's actually gonna be used and B. Using extra special UV filtering glass to combat the problem. It's like paying to kit your car out with a turbo etc and then getting some sort of power limiter installed wich costs money on top.