Aye u can go blind off contact around the eyes from dog shit - all after a period of time like, its fucking appaling taking ya dog out and letting it shit all over cos there's nowt worse than standing in it by accident.
comments like what? I'm not the one trying convince people that I can push people out of windows whenever I decide it's appropriate
The police never even came, I knew they wouldnt. I feel quite shit (excue the pun) this morning, I shouldnt of done it
Now you're trying to make it look like I want to randomly throw people out of windows. Try and understand, if someone has broken into my house and is stealing my property and is posing a threat to me and my family then yes I would throw him out of the window.
The one where Oasis thinks I'm stupid for saying the best course of action is to phone the police. He thinks the best thing to do is go running into the room like Linford Christie to push the bloke.
No i didn't. I said if I was standing with the bloke I wouldn't just let him walk out. If I knew I was being burgled for definite and I had a phone in me room I'd ring them.
Obviously yours because you're the chump that would let a burgular walk out with all of his possessions without even attempting to stop him.
You've just said you'd do the same if you knew you were being burlged. You can't phone the police, puch the burglar and protect your family all in one night you know.
So if you walk downstairs after hearing a noise or you walk into the house from being out and he's there can you phone the police while he's infront of you? "had on mate, will you just wait there while I phone the police"