I had the mintest dream before I got up this morning (while I was sleeping in ), I was already off on me travels and went to Japan then Australia and I had a russian girlfriend and it was so mint and I had three cats too and one was my own the other two were hers and the buildings and scenery were so beautiful and then I woke up. I was fucking gutted. I've had a horrible day now.
when i used to work at tesco I used to wake up in the middle of the night scanning stuff through the check out whilst making my own beep noises...
i get bad dreams if ive been drinking alot that that week. Its to do with chemicals, particularly seretonin in your brain. I get loads of nightmares. not nice.
Everynight at the minute i'll wake up and think i should be at work, or sometimes that im at work and i have to hide the fact im trying to sleep. It's very weird as it takes me a minute or so to realise what's actually going on. I'm, either working or sleeping at the minute so that could be why.
i dreamt last night that it was my school prom or ball or summit, but my family had all arranged for me to go out to a comedy night with them so i had got all dressed up for my ball and they wudnt let me go and i had to go to this pub type place in my gown and i got beer spilt down it but they kept saying i can go after the show, and then it got to 12.30 and we cud leave but we wre in leeds and the ball was in darlo and it was a 1.5 hr tran journy and i would miss it for sure and i got very depressed and cried. fun
I have some weird dreams! By what was said earlier, I think I get that sleep psycosis all the time. There are some times, usually after a heavy session on the piss, where i have THE most real dreams, and sometimes I know Im asleep but that I need to wake up to "get out of the dream" and i start hitting myself to get out of the dream....but i dunno if i really do that or if im just dreaming! Another one is where you get up, get ready n shit, then you wake up again for real and its like eh... I actually died in a dream last week!!! I was in a car with some crazy guy and he went down the wrong way on a motorway and drove into a truck at 100mph and then it all went black, and i didnt have my seatbelt or owt on lol.