he doesn't listen to trance, and is hardly random, but cheers keep me posted on the latest genres mate
so did he change his name legally? why the fuck didn't he change eugene while he was at it. Something like, cyberdine megatron has a better ring to it. or transdimensional megatron
i'm not actually sure, i havn't really seen him for 2 years, he's well into the industrial scene though and cyber goth stuff, not so much into trance.
The story i heard was that they dared him to do it while pilled / ketted up! And being really rAndOmlY kRzY, it was done
can you imagine going for a job interview or something, so whats your name sir? am i reading this right? is it Mr megatron?
I thought it was the norm for blokes to straighten their hair these days? Anyway i quite like it if they do, it shows they care about their appearance that little bit more
i haven't read the rest of the thread, is that whats its about? i agree though theres nothing wrong with men straightening there hair.
Nah, it's about clothes mainly i think, but blokes straightening their hair cropped up into the thread, and a couple of people off here thought it was obscene for a male to straighten his hair.
i like to have a bit a stumble like, it makes me lookly sexier although my work doesn't agree and pester me to shave:evil: :evil: :evil:
stubble....mmmmm it gets me at the moment. Not a full on beard though, tooo hairy eurgh my ex straightens his hair but got a bit obbsessive when we were going out. I have no probs with guys straightening though, he just was a bit self obsessed at times!