at the moment i have a taste for absolut mandarin vodka & fresh orange. other than that only real un-achoholic drink i like is milk. hate tea, coffee etc.. eurgh!
non - alcoholic: irn bru diet coke or diet coke n lemon Alcoholic Dbl Vodka RedBull Dbl Southern Comfort n Coke pure brilliance :groovy:
Re: Drinks on a diet eh! non alc - dr pepper, lilet, diet coke alc - trebble vod n lemonmade or wotevers cheap
yak yak yak :spangled: diesel is just a way of making nasty cider taste slightly less offensive... bloody powerful tho, and cheap but still.. i wouldnt call it a good taste but everyone to there own init :groovy:
none: tea (pref in a pint mug), orange & cranberry j20, appletise alco: vodka & oj or pineapple, apple sourz (with or without lemonade), passoa & oj (tastes like umbongo) cherry vodka & redbull, cherry vodka & coke & if in promise vodka & redbull!
non alcoholic - any kind of high quality frsh juice (esp. M&S ruby orange juice.) alcoholic - good beer, Good wine. JD + coke
lol, ur goin to the wrong places then init at my local tis only £1.50 PP! and it does get u totally bladdered
Not really cos were i live the nearest pubs are either the ones in the town are the ones on the coast which means there are normally dearer:evil:
tetley tea tastes so much nicer than pg!! them prymid bags didn't let the flavour out any more than their square 1's!! anyways tetley make round tea so they win!
coke rocks if ur gonna have burping competitions! also lilt n irn brew go down very nicely except when the bubbles come out of ur eyes or nose!! :spangled: