Is that when you were swerving all over the bloody place and I was following you?? And when you went thru that red light in Manc
aye that will b the one, i thought we were only goin 10 mins away to a party not an hr down the country or wotever it was :spangled: eee god that was scary, luckily nothin happened
I've done it before, but would never do it again! It's just stupid. Have got in the car with people who really shouldnt have been driving too. Not for a long time tho thankfully. The worst time had to be when we got a lift back from Birmingham and ended up in Manchester!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Drug Driving how is your penpal doing hummel? is he on deathrow in vietnam or what?
When you went thru that red light was scary! But when you were doing U turns round cross roads without indicating was funny
I would never drink drive. I suppose the effects of both are diff to each person - Ive always felt in control when driving a bit smashed. When Im drunk, i cant control my handbag never mind myself!