fuck doing anything in the morning, the only thing I feel like doing in the morning is going back to bed.
i used to go for runs back in the day to the moor and back. id collapse half way if i did that now like.
I do actually have lots of energy, I can rave all night long without to much hassle, I just prefer not to exercise, I don't really need to anyway.
Watching you run would be like watching someone running into a punchbag over and over and over again. doof doof doof doof doof doof
This is 100% true Nass I need a VERY secure sports bra and then another top with a built in thing on to even remotely hold them down!!
thats why you bought a disco boobie hugger!!! i nearly bought one myself but i dont think they suit me as much
who named it that again??? ive been ooot with the little one, sorting out metroland and planning disney land next summer for a weekend if you and jess wanna come it'll be lush
master P lol, i dunno, im working all weekend, fri, sat and sun.... but will be down next week more than likely as the PARENTAL UNITS are away
Swimming is defiently the best.. Just been and I'm fooked.. Never realised I was that unfit.. I can do a couple of sessions on the punchbag/kickpads or 30 mins on a cross trainer or even kickboxing & Kung fu for 2 and a half hours.. I managed 45 mins in the pool.. If ya wanna get fit just go swimming often..
Re: Re: exercise Defo the only form of exercise I ever see, gyms are just stinky and full of fat bloaters, I am not motivated enough to get off my lazy arse to go, I'd much rather have a curry or a Chinese
Re: Re: Re: exercise me too, I'm having a curry tonight actually fucking get in proper hungry, wish I could have a chinese for afterwards for a bit of sexercise.