the dont try this at hime one? where he staples his bollocks to his leg? good but painful oh and my fave films... T2 Human Traffic Club le Monde kill bill Dogma Battle Royale all excellent
Shallow Grave The Sting Run Lola Run What dreams may come Stigmata Cruel Intentions Fear and Loathing
the Lost Boys Shawshank redemption coyote ugly donny darko lock stock artificial intelligence the tigger movie (sad i know but i love it)] Toy story 2 Austin Powers Equilibrium And far too many more to mention
Yeah watched it a few weeks ago, tis a good film. I like how its the same period of time and all the stories are interlinked and slightly repeat, a bit like Go
Yeah its the story of how she loses her virginity at the party when she flakes out after :chill: n gets raped! Basically a film about Frat parties, drink, drugs, and sex, with an underlying plot about friendship and love
Agreed!!! The Wayans bros are a bit hot and cold, some of their stuff is really funny but some is just American humour which I dont really like
Swordfish Lord of the Rings 1&2 Matrix 1&2 Back to the Future 2 Minority Report Unbreakable Lost Boys Goonies - Hey you guys!!
Star Wars - A New Hope Bad Taste Braindead Barbarella Logans Run Get Carter The Italian Job Alfie Dazed and Confused Lost Highway Mulholland Drive Event Horizon (in slo-motion ) Rocky Horror Picture Show Akira Vampire Hunter D Vanishing Point Alien Aliens Predator Naked Lunch etc etc i movies