what she was cack at promise club was quite full then she came on put peeps to sleep wasnt worth going to see at all she just followed in the footsteps of all the other boring prog djs and was not very entertaining dont know how she was once considered a crasher rezzie!!! as was fookn luicen foort tho what the fook!!!
welll ummmm dont see him as a legend like was ded bored last time i seen him! man of knowledge me!! mouiser jambon u really spoil mE!!
that night was mint and u enjoyed it u probs can't even remember man just don't want to be seen to say you enjoyed a prog dj!!! lucian foort =
yeh well will be me in the future!!!!! Tis me main aim in life, well one ov them! * be famouse dj * be a rally driver * climb the sydney bridge ( tick) * Get a viper! 1 out ov 4 aint bad!?! wud propa luv 2 be a gud dj tho.... im only in the baby stages at the mo! only young tho, iv got LOADZ ov time!
I did, but then I realised she is more techno so she shouldn't be mentioned on a female trance dj thread
Kinda agree with u on tha. Personally it's not that i'm not into my music it's just that i've tried on many occasions and can't beat match 2 save my life! The shame!! Ask Jambon he'll tell ya!!
u shoulde be able to beat match, cos u can dance.....! if u can dance, you can beat match...(thats my theory anyway ) u need a few expert lessons, thats all