na dont think so m8 its rocks tom wax mix is pretty gud 2 arena will be shit without picotto picottos set was class @ the arena
noooo haslam plays handbag hardhouse its trancey wanky poo, come back to the hard side. if it doesn't make your ears bleed theres no point in listening to it.
i had my ears bleedin on wed glazby.. hard as fukk...2 hrs of 160+ beats and constant hoover full metal... i can feel it... are you all ready.. beyond motion.. err cant remember anymore :spangled:
haslam plays bouncy hard trance...not really hard house at all, and its 'the freak' whose done resonate 2, and judging from the CD sampler it sounds quite good
The line-up for GK Arena 3 is really fucking brilliant and would well keep u raving till 6, but the arena as a venue is the worst place i've ever been to. no atmosphere, too many none clubbing people who just get pissed, but i have to say that i have never seen any fights at the other 2. so i'm still not sure if i'm going yet. I will defo be at promise on the friday though. it could be one the best ever promise nights IMO By the way picotto is the worst dj i have ever seen and i've seen him 3 times so he has had a chance to impress me. IMO you either hate him or hate him a thin line when it comes to him. i have to also mention his pulsar tune is one of my favourite ever tunes so its not as if i hate the guy.
By the way picotto is the worst dj i have ever seen and i've seen him 3 times so he has had a chance to impress me. IMO you either hate him or hate him a thin line when it comes to him. i have to also mention his pulsar tune is one of my favourite ever tunes so its not as if i hate the guy. [/B][/QUOTE] sorry meant to say you either hate him or love him doh!
some people just dont have a fcukin clue do they bri? i mean....ive seen him over 15 times and i still think he's shit!! some of us just dont have any idea do we?
But you wouldnt label him as the "worst dj" you have ever seen dave surely??!?!? Theres a lot worse than mr picotto is wot a was gettin at.................
Kerry James was sight the other night but at least she played revoluotion. he never plays any of the tunes that i know its just all total fucking shit techno and i do like a bit techno, joy k was class at promise the other night. i would be overjoyed if picotto never played at promise again. i'm going to get my arse smacked off magicpaul for this, sorry mate.
Tis my point........ U dont like the tunes he plays.....which is fair crack...just means u dont like him....... But to say he is the worst dj you have ever say was a bit harsh........and not sure uve seen worse And am sure he'll be back @ promise