i've just checked... there's someone else with a bid of 10,000,000.... hahahah wouldn't u just say to eBay "fuck off i ain't paying it"
Scruf.......... if you end up with 2 tickets in womens names i'll take them off your hands, 2 friends of mine did the smae thing this morning but still havnt recieved an e-mail back confirming the order, there starting to worry now that the order didnt go thru.
no confirmation = no order tell them to keep trying that link - its the one that 3 of my mates have just got tickets from (15 mins ago) - it takes a few minutes to load - if it brings up the 'page cannot be found' thing just try it again.... if you get the enter your details form - do it qucikly - you wont get a confirmation screen - just a 'page cannot be displayed' message up... check ur emails for about 10 mins + u should get a confirmation... if not - try again... took me a while... i have one with tom and one with emma on goin spare unless they cancel the second order... no probs selling them to u's if they dont refund it.... providing my last 2 mates manage to get tickets...
Cheers, I ordered mine using the same link at 10.20am this morning and got a e-mail back in 10 mins then did it for them 20mins later using differnet names, addresses and card number it accepted the order and told me to wait for an e-mail but no e-mail.
Who put the thread up last year about working the festival and help setting things up, then getting the weekend free? Or know anything about this?
Lulu post somewhere in that lot http://www.promisealways.com/forums...d=189991&sortby=lastpost&sortorder=descending
I worked last year for Oxfam and didn't get accepted until a month before the festival so there might be hope yet. Theres another company called Oasis something or other who do the stewarding outside the actual festival grounds. That's who Lulu went with last year because I got her the details. Not sure how to get in touch with them now though, Lulu probably will.
If u want to get in touch with Lulu, her b/f Richie Elliott is on the technoorgasm board alot. Drop him a pm!
Will see if i can dig anything up about this Oasis thing. Have pm'd Lulu about it if she ever comes back on here
Addresses dont matter its only name checks they are doing Hybrid in the Glade n Way Out West on the Radio 1 stage on Thursday nite