I think it might be, I have the hardhouse one dunno if it's 1 or 2. I know it's like rocking horse shit to find
well look at this: http://www.dealtime.com/xMPF-Global-Underground-002--New-York---Paul-Oakenfold~PD-74952 that ^^^ claims that new york is 002, and I know for a fact that his Oslo CD came after the new york cd. 001-TDV tel aviv 002-Oakenfold new york 003- Sasha san francisco* 004-Oakenfold Oslo 005-TDV tokyo 006-Digweed Sydney 007-???? 008-Nick warren Brazil 009-Sasha- san franciso* Hold on- found something: I assume that applies to the oakenfold ones too.
If you mean that squidy thing instead of a normal cd case, yeah - with the cd's in cardboard wallet things inside.
its confusing but im certain oakenfold did a 002 that was deleted... 003 is nick warren - prauge and has a black cover i bought it when it came out.. one of the best... 007 is oakie new york.. 009 is and always has been sasha these where the numbers as they where released - GU002 on the gu site is tony de vit ... i think the number changing might have something to do with american distributuion or something... still leaves an empty space at number 2...
first one i ever got was Oakey at Oslo, Then Warren/Prague and TDV/Tokyo which were released around the same time i think. The TDV Tel Aviv was knocking around near the same time as Oslo if i remember, so it could very well be 01. and oslo 02? I do know that we didnt get the Oakey/New York till about a year later, since it was the cd release party that he was dj'ing at where he gave me and my lass a signed copy of it when i got her to pester him in the DJ box. Pointless story, but might help put the New York one a bit further out, it deffo wasnt around near the start.
Suprise me sometimes by having occasional taste u do! U managed to sit thru Seaman, Hardwick, Sasha, Underworld and Leftfield without whinging once.
You can get most of them from the GU website in their shop http://www.recordstore.co.uk/global/ - It has pretty much all of them except 002 & 007 (oakie sydney) and still has a load of the long box ones too. I've seen the GU006 I have - digweed in sydney packaged as 001 and Oakie- New York as 002 but they're not in the same type of boxes as the ones I buy so must be from a different distributor or something. From looking about on the net, GU002 was a cassette version of gu001 by tony de vit- a few places have said the same so it's probably the case