Re: fuck the lot of yous! picotto has a minute amount of technical bollox compared to dave clarke. the guys a genious rozz. picotto is good, although i dont think u can class him as a genious.
Picotto @ Promise would not get attended by me - for that night and that night only i would rather lick me cats bumhole LMFAO Mate what ever turns u on. feel sorry for ya cat though.
no offence but i think some of the things that have been said about picotto on this board are harsh as fook. i just hope he doesn't read it.... picotto is a class producer and a very talented dj. just because he now plays a style of music that ain't your cuppa doesn't mean he's a pile of shite....
yeah i do but if he played some of em i might enjoy it more!!i cant spend every night he's on just waiting for coatnoise/ira can i!!
Basically i think you are just a load of twats. Just cause you don't like his style doesn't give you the right to slate him. If you don't like his style of music then don't fucking listen to it. The fact is that Picotto fills the club and he is good at what he does. I am not to keen on your shitty floaty girly trance but i don't go round crying like a bitch about it. So get over it. Everyone has different taste's and thats just life. The likely hood is that promise will book Picotto again so get used to it and there is no dout that he will fill the club. If you don't like it then don't fucking go. Simple.
Sorry i just get abit fed up with peeps knocking him all the time. Just cause he isn't there cup of tea doesn't make him shit.
hey i dont like him, but still have seen him do 5 six hour sets and about a million normal sets!!ive give hime nough chances,and i will still be back at promise etc when he's on again!!so what's the harm in me saying i think he's crap!!im not saying he's a wanker, cos ive never met him, im not saying he's got no talent, cos he has, but even if he hadnt i wouldnt winge about it!!!
Its not you its just the general slating that he seems to get constantly on this board. Fair enough peeps can have there opinion but there seems to be a incessant slating of him and there is just no need.
cos the general opinion of picotto among many board members is a negative one!!! when people post things claiming he is god there is bound to be a reaction correcting this obviously insane person!! this is our opinion...and the message board should be a place to post opinions, no just praise everyone!! no1 is getting personal with the lizard man!!he just bores us a bit!
well done mate!!your problem can be easily overcome now you've realised the truth!! bet you in heaven he's on at a certain smogland club!!with sseb fonatine tho??wtf!!