Arrrgh my day has been wank so far.. Came in this morning and the desks have been moved and my hard drive pretty much wiped.. so I've had to spend about 2 hours re-customising everything and I've got loads to do. Welcome back eh.
i hate today!! work is slow but have spent the whole morning fighting with the ex on msn and now im about to fall asleep in my chair..... 4 o clock please.
today is fucking wank back to work for the first time since dec 23rd, had an awesome week with the missus, and now im stuck at shite work once again roll on 5 ( or 4 if i sneak off earlier)
Apparently today is the most depressing day of the year, why they feel the need to tell you that on the news first thing in the morning i do not know
Did the whole world get cained on new years eve? I'm fine but I've done no work yet purely because the toxins in my body from christmas/new year/birthday are affecting my concentration. Anyway, last year the 'most depressing day' was January 24th or some date near the end of the month when everyone's credit card bills came through the door from christmas expenditure.
Re: Good Morning Fucking knackered! Heard on the news that today is the most depressing of the year. I can believe it!