Good Tory Idea !

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Harper, Sep 7, 2004.

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  1. Smog

    Smog Registered User

    Nov 21, 2003
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    @Brid and SeniorChemSi - Agreed 100% :up:

    I can't be arsed to get deep into this one as I had loads of fun in the last one... i'm sick of typing the same things again and again.

    But basically:

    We have a responsiblity to those less fortunate... especially as we fucked up so many nations in the name of empire.

    Asylum seekers are NOT the problem they are made out to be, they are not the biggest issue our country has to deal with.

    Multi-cultural society is the way forward... it is inevitable.

    Bogus asylum seekers should be dealt with harshly... as should bogus benifit claims (often by white pikies), which will probably cost more to the tax payer than a genuine asylum seeker.

    The BNP are lying cheating racist fucks and anyone supporting them needs their head checked... this includes Harper.

    And for the record... im a tory :rolleyes: :D

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