You bulking up son? My diet has gone to shit lately and i think i've got a hernia coming on, so gonna have to lay off for a while
I was in great condition in ibiza last year, was about 13.5 stone and quite well built. my diet of san miguel and loads of :spangled: stripped me down to under 13 stone in 5 weeks. It also stole my motivation, only been to the gym a few times since I got back. Still I'll be back next week to go through the pain all again, spend another few days stiff as a board. I was looking at the pics and it looks nothing like me
I would need to scan them first, then be subject to great mockery from the board fat people for being a poser
true story. when i first started goin i gnored the sign sayin 'go and get a proper workout plan arranged by one of the trainers' and instead kicked myself half to fuck doin weights, cardio... every fuckin machine in the building... i spent the next 20 minutes in the gym toilet throwing up violently. learning experience that one
Oh I hate the threads about exercise! I kept promising myself that I would start going to the gym...really not going to happen to be fair. Football tournament tonight at my work thou! For charity so I couldnt say no! Im palying in a Sunderland srtip thou! The lads V Lasses! And to think I aint a clue about football any one care to help me out with THE RULES!
mmmmm Dont think so the Sunderland strips that we hav are the Sunderland reserve strips hence about forty times too big (at least the've been washed thou)
i went to springs for a yr, had no choice really seeing as i had to join for 12 month!! i really liked it when i first went but then i got bored of doin same stuff and stopped goin as much. so didnt bother renewing membership. can think of better things to spend 30 quid a month on. i can c how other ppl wud like it tho. just depends how motivated u r and if u feel u gettin anythin out of it. go to boxercise now with my mate. its quite fun and we just laugh at each other so it keeps me entertained.
Swop it up and change around you're routine, i can only do the same routine for 3 months tops, however when weight lifting there are fundamental exercises u need to do, so it can be a bit tricky.