Dont really get hangovers much. But, pint of water usually does the trick. Or failing that, a couple of bags of Asda Salt & Vinegar Crisps does the job nicely. (Very strong so the vinegar goes straight to yer head and sorts it right out).
i usually find a banana or strawberry milkshake and a pack of t-bone steak roysters does the trick..... if there is none to hand you cant beat a nice cold glass of orange juice to help wake you up in the mornin
Why vinegar, is that an age old cure for hangovers that I did not know about or does it just work for you? PS does it work on comedowns aswell?
I dunno about the vinegar. I just had a hangover once when i was on the way to Berlin. We had got the ferry from North Shields to Amsterdam and i had spent the first 10 hrs on the ferry drinking lager. Had 4 hrs kip, then got up and on to the coach to Berlin. Felt rough as fuck and the only thing anyone had was one of my mates who had a multipack of Asda S&V's. So i had a couple of packs and instantly felt geat! Crisps on a comedown? Couldnt think of owt worse, when yer gob is already fairly shredded. Try a banana. Soft and you feel like it should be doing ya good!
If it was the vinegar which sorts you out then you could just drink it from the bottle instead of having crisps though
It takes me a few stages... Stage 1. - Staggering outta bed and getting fluids - water mainly. Murder when you grab the nearest glass and it's a left over voddie and coke. Stage2. (can only be done after stage 1 and 10-30 mins rest) - Staggering outta bed to the fridge and rustling up whatever there is left. Preferably something greasy like bacon or slice. Stage3. (can only be done after stage 2 and some rest) - A shit, shave and shower. Has to be done in that order to get the full benefit of the shower. Stage4. (can only be done after stage 3 particurarly the shit and shower) - Fresh air preferably on the way to the boozer for stage 5. Stage 5. - Curer ps. lol @ the beer
I'm at another wedding next Saturday, I think theres a few of us gonna meet for a drink in town next Saturday through the day. U fancy it?
MIght as well make it sunday night when u get back.. no doubt there'll still be people in town getting smashed after the match.
I'm at work mate, we'll sort out a night when every1 can go out after Creamfields and all that. Should be a laugh!!!
I felt like shit this morning after drinking for the match last night - was gonna phone in sick at work but decided not too ! Failed an eye test today and need glasses for reading and PC use which cost me £44 as work pay £50 towards it, then had to fork out money at the dentists earlier Knew the glasses thing was due as its happened before but i couldnt be arsed to get them ! Glad there all out the way and he hangovers gone tho...
Their probs gonna give you glasses that are too strong now. Your eyes were probs worse than normal cos of last nights beer.