Happy Birthday gnasher!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by cyberted, Apr 22, 2002.

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  1. cyberted

    cyberted Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    working @ the blue corner drop in and say hello!

    Originally posted by Gnasher
    awwww, thenks every1 again. cyberted, ill let u off cos ur soo sweet and i was asleep nearly the whole mission neway.
    baja was wicked!!! no, it was, i was more drunken than iv eva been, eva!
    broo, sorry bout my random fuckedness, we're both mad
    elgriego, sorry, i was too pissed 2 remember ya, i prob will wen i c ya on fri
    jackmaster(is ur name chris?) ai, it was awsome. amazingly awesome
    dexta, im lookin forward to r nxt installment of total randomness and fun.

    thanks again every1, cyas all on friday, and im a big 19 yr old now!!

    glad u had a good time son!!
  2. cyberted

    cyberted Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    working @ the blue corner drop in and say hello!
    that above post was by me signed in by accident as snarf he never logs out when hes on my comp!! grrr!! but lil stoned tis why!! as well hehe and cant erase it!! one of ur trademarks andy!! hehehe


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