hav a try of this !

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ellielou, Jan 24, 2005.

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  1. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    but ness i love you and i thought you loved me. why would you ask me to marry you if you want to just throw it all away?
  2. Ness

    Ness Registered User

    Feb 17, 2002
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    In the Forest
    Pick one..... :p
  3. paul

    paul Registered User

    Aug 21, 2002
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    i really shouldnt, but :lol:
  4. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    Aries and Pisces

    When Aries and Pisces come together in a love match, they can be very good for one another. Aries is a strong Sign; they are almost completely prey to their impulses, which they follow without a second thought to the outcome or possible consequences. Dreamy Pisces is much quieter and more internally-focused; they're the Poets of the Zodiac. On the surface an Aries and a Pisces may seem an unlikely pair, but when there's love involved, they can truly fulfill one another's needs. Pisces is very intuitive, both as a person and as a lover; Aries must take care to return this favor so Pisces won't begin to see their Aries partner as stingy and selfish.

    Aries is a leader with tons of initiative. When Aries finds someone attractive they'll launch the pursuit without a second thought. When the 'prey' is gentle Pisces, Aries tends to take on the role of protector. The funny thing is, Pisces is the real protector, as the intuitive, deeply understanding partner who provides a relaxing sort of refuge for hectic Aries. Pisces is a Water Sign; they can fill any container, so to speak. They are so giving and empathetic that sometimes they can become something of a doormat -- they give themselves completely to their partners, and if their partner can't do the same, trouble may result. Pisces understands Aries in a deeper way than most other Signs do, so this can help alleviate this type of problem: Pisces knows how to keep Aries from becoming overly brash or rash. Together they form a dynamic team when they combine Aries's directness with Pisces's intuitive understanding of other people.

    Aries is ruled by the Planet Mars (Passion) and Pisces is ruled by the Planets Jupiter (Luck) and Neptune (Illusions). Mars brings passionate action to Neptune's dreamlife. Aries helps Pisces bring their fantasies into reality. Jupiter lets Pisces help Aries tone down their overt style of operation.

    Aries is a Fire Sign and Pisces is a Water Sign. Though these opposite elements can sometimes create trouble for one another (Fire makes Water evaporate, Water douses Fire). However, they can combine to make a great team: Pisces can help Aries relax a little and learn listen to others' feelings, while Aries teaches Pisces to get out into the world and take the kinds of risks that lead to real payoff. This is an effective lesson for Pisces, who definitely has the brain power to figure out which risks are good ones to take and which are best left alone. Aries and Pisces must simply negotiate to ensure their balance is maintained.

    Aries is a Cardinal Sign and Pisces is a Mutable Sign. Unlike Aries, Pisces doesn't need to be the leader or 'on top.' They enjoy lending a hand when they're needed, but certainly don't need to direct a project -- a good thing, since Aries needs that position for themselves. Together these two Signs can achieve a positive end to any project they decide to undertake.

    What's the best aspect of the Aries-Pisces relationship? They really have a lot to learn from each other. Pisces shows Aries how to empathize and care; Aries teaches Pisces how to make dreams happen rather than just thinking about it! Theirs is a truly reciprocal relationship.
  5. ellielou

    ellielou Registered User

    Aug 4, 2003
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    Up there with the angels !
    Oh god look what ive started......sorry hunny's xxx
  6. Keley

    Keley hmmmmm, strange!

    Jun 12, 2004
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    i was the peach aswell :D
  7. princess jane

    princess jane Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    under my desk

    I'll marry you hunny

    think how cute the kids would be..

    And we could sell a video of the marriage consumation for mega bucks on Ebay

  8. ellielou

    ellielou Registered User

    Aug 4, 2003
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    Up there with the angels !
    They cant be !!! x :(
  9. Ness

    Ness Registered User

    Feb 17, 2002
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    In the Forest
    i dont put much stock in horoscopes and zodiac pap honey :lol:
  10. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    how about you put stock in a fucking real life situation???

    rather than some shoddy fucking net test?
  11. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    our fate is written in the stars? large planets 600 zillion miles away? howay.

    The Man of Science has spoken. what u read on the internet is TRUE - ALL OF IT
  12. Ness

    Ness Registered User

    Feb 17, 2002
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    In the Forest
    *coughs suggestively*

    there u go. nuff said.
  13. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    lucy & graham's results...
    Your results are in! Now that you've taken the Love Compatibility Quiz, we've compared and computed your answers. Are you ready to find out if you and your partner are a good love match? The answer is waiting for you below!
    Are there other people you would like to test your compatibility with? Click here!

    Romance Style
    You are a Practical Jane or Joe
    You don't want a lot of money or hoopla surrounding your love -- all that materialism isn't good for the soul. But that doesn't mean you don't want to share -- and be shown -- signs of affection. Simple, homespun and heartfelt expressions are the ways to your heart -- and how you show your love in return.

    graham is a Practical Jane or Joe
    You don't want a lot of money or hoopla surrounding your love -- all that materialism isn't good for the soul. But that doesn't mean you don't want to share -- and be shown -- signs of affection. Simple, homespun and heartfelt expressions are the ways to your heart -- and how you show your love in return.

    Your Romantic Compatibility:
    Practical Jane or Joe-Practical Jane or Joe: You two are quiet about it, but in your own way show each other deep affection at every turn. While others may not understand that a watch makes a perfectly good engagement token, for instance, you will wear it as faithfully and with as much love as any over-glorified piece of carbon.

    Related Links:

    QUIZ: What Kind of Lover are You?
    ARTICLE: Why Do Most Men Hate Being Romantic?
    ARTICLE: Create Your Own Love Miracle

    Sexual Style
    You are an Adventurous
    Whoa! A description of your sex life might make even Sex Coach Dr. Patti blush. The word "no" is not in your vocabulary when it comes to sex with a trusted partner, nor is "I've got a headache." Your partner is either a lucky person -- or very tired. Looking for ways to spice up your sex life even more? Check out Dr. Patti's 30 Days of Great Sex Love Lesson!

    graham is an Adventurous
    Whoa! A description of your sex life might make even Sex Coach Dr. Patti blush. The word "no" is not in your vocabulary when it comes to sex with a trusted partner, nor is "I've got a headache." Your partner is either a lucky person -- or very tired. Looking for ways to spice up your sex life even more? Check out Dr. Patti's 30 Days of Great Sex Love Lesson!

    Your Sexual Compatibility:
    Adventurous-Adventurous: Look out! Make sure your medical insurance is paid up, because you two are in for a wild ride. Lingerie, sex toys and public places are all part of your sexual repertoire. The chemistry between the two of you could start a forest fire!

    Related Links:

    ARTICLE: When Size Matters
    ARTICLE: Jump-start Your Sex Drive

    Communication Style
    You are a Gifted Communicator
    You and your significant other are equal partners in your relationship, thanks to excellent communication skills. You openly express your feelings without negativity or accusations. You listen intently to your partner's issues, ideas and suggestions, and not only are you able to skillfully articulate your feelings and ideas, but you're also able to understand your partner.

    graham is a Gifted Communicator
    You and your significant other are equal partners in your relationship, thanks to excellent communication skills. You openly express your feelings without negativity or accusations. You listen intently to your partner's issues, ideas and suggestions, and not only are you able to skillfully articulate your feelings and ideas, but you're also able to understand your partner.

    Your Communication Compatibility:
    Gifted Communicator-Gifted Communicator: You two are a match made in communication heaven. Not only is your time together blissful, but you two are a joy to be around. Your fights are brief, your conversations are flowing, and your relationship strong! Share your tips and help others on the Communication Problems message board.

    Related Links:

    ARTICLE: Reading Unsaid Messages
    ARTICLE: Top 3 Communication Problems to Avoid

    Astrological Assessment
    You are an Aries
    In love relationships, Aries is playful and romantic. The great strength of the Aries-born is their energy, initiative, and courage. The fire they bring to their lives makes them one of the most dynamic characters of the Zodiac. graham is a Pisces
    In love relationships, Pisces is caring, devoted and romantic. The great strength of the Pisces-born is their compassion. Their natural sensitivity makes them one of the most understanding characters of the Zodiac.

    Astrological Compatibility:
    When Aries and Pisces come together, their relationship is often mutually beneficial. Aries is a strong Sign who follows impulses without worrying about the consequences. Pisces is quieter, one of the dreamers of the Zodiac. In many ways they contrast and on the surface they may seem an unlikely pair. But when they care for one another, they are each able to fulfill the other's needs and have a fulfilling relationship.

    The best aspect of the Aries-Pisces relationship is that they really have a lot to learn from each other. Pisces shows Aries how to empathize and care; Aries teaches Pisces how to make dreams happen rather than just thinking about it! The ability to each provide what the other needs makes theirs a truly reciprocal relationship.
  14. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    eh so what do you mean? you are just having a laugh?

    ha fucking ha ness. well funny that. ive been sitting here crying for the past hour.
  15. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    Re: Lucy..

    :love: :D
  16. Ness

    Ness Registered User

    Feb 17, 2002
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    In the Forest
    ah baby u know i love u :inlove: :flowers:
    for a 2nd there i thought u were bein serious!! lol

    anyway jane just wants to lure u into her princess-porn industry :evil:
  17. GeordieLee

    GeordieLee Registered User

    May 27, 2002
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    I would do it. I don't wanna be spammed to death tho.

    I like the 'who wud u rather caught you wanking' question tho. Very thought provoking. Some of the other questions were just weird.
  18. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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  19. Ness

    Ness Registered User

    Feb 17, 2002
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    In the Forest
    wasnt it? took me a while to answer that one.
  20. ellielou

    ellielou Registered User

    Aug 4, 2003
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    Up there with the angels !
    Jam'e'tron was the vapor trail 2 ! x

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