not sure exactly where that is, but it won't cost too much if its on the edge of Gateshead maybe even less than a tenner.
Doesnt matter now the woman on the phone got it wrong they cant fit 5 of us in they only have room for 4 This is proving to be very difficult
Just do a search on for hotels in NE1, and call each one that comes up. For the ones that aren't city centre just ask them how much a taxi would be.
can't u just get a couple of rooms and everyone move into one for a laugh or summic? or will that cost too much.
Holiday inn on great north road (near foundation/stereo) has got rooms.,0&c=1 was on there anyway looking for friends. scamming you extra £35 for the sat (£92.50) far more than a B&B though
Nah man its sleeping arrangements thats the problem theres only so many beds. Looks good fella although on streetmap it looks miles away from the city centre?