Homelands - the start of the summer!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by princess jane, May 20, 2003.

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  1. Geordie

    Geordie "Im Outta Time"

    Nov 12, 2001
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    "Aye you look arsed like"
    :lol: :lol: i remember that blanket !

    I think it stayed with ya till the very end too !

  2. princess jane

    princess jane Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    under my desk
    homelands - the aftermath!

    1:30pm - 7pm A1, M1, A34, M3, A43, we can't possibly go any further then, yep we can, another 2hrs. Listen to Jules live from Homelands and red-line poor lil Mr.Seicento to get there in time for Audio Bullys.

    7pm - 12:30am Discover most of peeps we wanted to see were on at 2pm, meaning we should have set off about 5am - not likely!
    End of Audiobullies - good. Roger Sanchez - can't scratch. The Streets - encouraging the mainly Southern crowd to shout 'faaak' at them. It's 'fuck', you big woofters. The Chems - DJ not production set - very very dull. Dexter - who are you, your good! 2 Many DJS - M.I.N.T!!!! Dave Beer in the VIP - what kind of VIP has a cafe bar selling carrot cake and hot choc?

    12:30am - all other tents are closing, leaving the drum and bass MC Skipadee-a-thon or the prog massive feat the Tyrant Sound System.
    We locate the car and drive home in protest.

    1am - 4:00am - A43, M3, A34, M1, 2 cans of red bull and a kip in a service station car park under me blankie see us right for...

    4:30am - 7am - A1. Che snores like a piggy with one sinus. Annie Nightingale reads out jovial texts from Homelands peeps who have lost their cars. Both of these serve to keep me awake until Princess Towers looms on the horizon.

    Big fank u to my travelling compadre Che, big no need to whoever @ Homelands who decided that putting on mInt Royale, De La Soul, Cassius, Junior Senior and Jaquces le Cont before 4pm was a good idea.


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