aye the booth is the bollocks, technics 1210's a few CDJ1000's and an xtone from hell sound system in there is really good, bassline was missing for most of the night though
Aye you mentioned it was decent, didn't think it'd be the 464 though! Tell work you've just come down with a nasty bug and come do the shuffle to Lottie tonight...
nah Doddy was back from Ibiza for a few days, needed to get beered up with my pal b4 he went back to work, late finish and early start here cola ? don't do fizzy drinks m8, full of sugar
1. You were drinking it at Nice last week. 2. That was more of a 'witty' remark, and I was actually referring to something generally used as a prefix to 'Cola'
yeah I never noticed that one nah I'm just a lazy ****, I'm due a night on the tiles soon. Dunno when yet, fancy it ?
Mos Def. Reckon you can keep up though? I've actually stopped drinking (sorta) after my performances of the last few weeks No more spirits for me
Mik was trollied in Nice the other week I bailed early cos I was knackered, got wrong off the girls for the early departure you do drink some pretty strong stuff :spangled:
I was like that by the end of the night. Even worse after the dial-a-vodka I'm a complete spirit whore mate. I stopped drinking beer when I was dieting last year and never really started again. Back on the liquid bread for a while though...
I haven't drank Brown Ale since I was 14 and wore a fluorescent Berghaus. I shall not do it again. It's all about the Coors or Corona You at graft next Friday?
what the COOL beer I only drink it on the Island, doesn't taste the same unless I'm drinking it @ Kanya Next Friday I'm in till 6.45, think I'm out like. Whats the plan ?
I have to pop into Promise for a bit then who knows, I'm off to a ball @ Chillingham castle the next day DJing wi JP, party in a castle, open decks :spangled: should be interesting.
Aye you told me about that one. Full of middle-class ruffians? PM me with details on why you gota go to Promise first