Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: how SO WHAT ARE U ON IM IN THE BIG WIDE WORLD, IM GRAFTING and ure just a shooly all grazed knees and runnys noses
You do have to do loads of tests to get in the police. Don't go through th route of being a "special counstable" as in the vounteer ones as tobe honest my Aunty was in the Police and she said its harder to get in through that route as why would they put you up to being a full officer paid when you'd do it for free? Just type police in google you divvy! It's not hard to find websites....
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: how I worked at a law firm for a year prior to taking up my A-levels, I will be going to uni in less than two years time to persue a business law degree. I will see you in 10 years. If you havent OD'd by then you fucking racist cock. Goodnight
my friends just started as a pcso and loves it. you have to go through loads of tests and interviews though. she applied a year ago and has just started the job. its a really long process by the time they train you etc. theres the possibility of promotion aswell to go into the proper police which she is going to do. you've got be with them for about a year or so first i think she said though. you start off on alright money aswell. she's on about 19k i think
I was in the police for 17 years It aint the job you think it is Some drunk tried to stab me with 2 broken bottles As a result i got a medical discharge due to my injuries Hence the reason i am now in engineering If you want to earn mega bucks at a young age go into engineering. I work with young lads only 23 to 26 years old and they earn approx. £45 hour here in Norway and the equvalent in the UK of about £28 hour Somehow I dont think its for you tho Jimmy
If your good at joinery then stick with it the £££ is excellent just the industry is quite sh1tty at the moment
WHY DONT U FUCK OFF AND STOP BEING SO CONDASENDING U FUCKING PRICK EH im just trying 2 find a job and dont appreciate u just trying 2 be fuicking cocky
i could do that like but would prefere teh navy liek just seems a better lifestyle and wud be a diver
If you fancy diving why dont you train to be a commercial diver Look Here i'm sure you can get some funding for it there's a lot of money to be made once you qualify but don't tell forks he will have you giving it all away
Re: Re: how I can see it now: Officer CRAZY_JIMI "Don't do Extacy kids" Curious child "Why officer CRAZY_JIMI?" Officer CRAZY_JIMI "Because cannabis is a far more productive way to spend your pocket money."
Not sure but my younger brother did it a long time ago (he's dead now bless him, not diving related) and i'm sure he got a government grant type thing for it and then he worked in the north sea for years