hahaha miss cohen knows i got nothing but love for her just luring you into a false sense of security bri...mwahahaha
well in that case.......... friday, outside promise, u better bring a big bat!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: been nice knowing u mate
Yes, but while remembering you can read this board as a guest without registering, she could quite easily read this, and you'd be pretty much fucked! *speaks from experience* :spangled:
She doesn't know Promise's address (or care either tbh!).[harsh] And there's no way i'd dump her for Sasha [/harsh]
we will have to make it next week bri as i wont be in attendence for ferry u better make sure u bring your crew....ill have big gun johnny revel backing me up RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH
What are you doing the 5 of you have fucking trashed a well good thread. go cyber sex in some other thread... this was for abusing sasha. fucking teens!
noooooooo....fight aside mate (for now! :evil: ) get urself out! friday is gonna be wikkid! trance heaven some might say! ] not one to be missing...else thats sumfink else i'll be thinkin off when bashin 10 bells outta u and big gun revel
Hahaha she didn't mate. She wasn't checking up, she joined the board a while back and reads from time to time. Was one post I said something, then people kept quoting it, so it took a lot of editing to hide just in case she read, and I forgot to edit something that I'd quoted Spud on! Got "so you fancy yr mate's bird then?!" Was all in good humour though, she luuuuuuurves me