yea, i have plenty of work to do... trying to finalise 3 years of college... in one week my own fault, but hey
What was on Ch4? Im pretty sure Bo Selecta was on tonight but my Tv's knackered - please tell me it was'nt!!!
Amazing film probaly Quentin's best film ever can't wait for his new film later this year 'Kill Bill'
awww, why u pissed off chick? not used to things not going ure way??? u called one of the boards most popular females a "silly cow" and expect it to be acceptable!! and when u get shot down ure bitter and hurt and you threaten us with your departure, hash words!! ok, here goes, please dont leave sasha, please dont, we all love you here, please stay!!! if u r guna stay ure going to have to learn, people get harshed and picked on everyday, this time it was ure turn, it was me last week, and will probably be me next week too, but thats why i keep coming back ure going to have to get to grips with life, not every1 u meet is going to like you, and not every1 u meet is going to sit and let u call other ppl!!!! think about stuff b4 u type it, ure only coming accross as a grade A retard!!!!