maybe so mate, my main argument isnt about the price tho, i said if i had the cash i would fork out on it because of the fact theyre used all over now, the fact that itll hold its price a bit better is just a bonus youse both have good arguments and for your average person it probably isnt worth it, but im saying if i had the cash i know what id go for after using them for a while
Mac is better than a WINDOWS PC as it has 64 bit operating system, we shall see when Longhorn comes out but a PC is ALWAYS let down by a sus standard 32 bit windows OS
How so? Tell me why you, I or anyone else posting in this thread needs a 64 bit OS for their desktop computer? How does it actually improve the experience?
64-bit native applications deliver more data per clock cycle, making them run faster and more efficient for starters and if you run power hungry apps it can mean a HELL of a lot of difference, Macs also have RISC proccessors which also mean more power, you avarage user is fine on a PC but my point in that a mac is way more powerful also why bother moving from 16bit or 8bit
I think 64bit applications have access to 4 billion times more memory due to the clock cycles, cant be a bad thing
Ive got a mac powerbook as my main home computer and it pisses over a pc anydays - And im easily the most hardcore pc geek type bloke on here so what i say is what is right!!!!!!! .... anyways - The mac operating system is absolutely fantastic and if you arent bothered about playing games on a pc then a mac does everything a pc does, but more elegantly, easily and polished. Macs look shit hot Macs are build to a much better standard than most laptops For creative use they are much nicer They break down maybe 1% of the time a windows machine does. They raise approving glances when your using one on a train
so what yous saying is theyre a posers laptop / computer. the amount you spend on a mac laptop you can get a faster pc laptop from ebay. its all well and good saying if you dot play games then macs are mint, but games are probably the most system intense appications you can run, well probably except video rendering / converting. and i dont know why soeone would want to render / covert a video on the go. its as simple as this, theyre overpriced fasion accessories might have wet a bit far there. they are rally good, but not for the money. the performance <> value ratio on them is way off
you cant get a faster PC unless you run Unix on it, you looking at clock speeds when in reality its about more than than that, Windows is a bottleneck, preformance wise a dual G5 powermac running dual RISC processors and with its DEDICATED 64bit O/S can NOT be beaten by any windows PC
OK yeah right sillyness aside - you can buy a g4 ibook for 700 quid - that has wireless, a combo drive and a load of other things... that really isnt a ton of money more than a similarly specced and built windows machine costs. Ill agree that macs come at a premium to windows pcs, but its not as much as alot of people think - my powerbook cost about 1300 quid but for the same money you might get a sony vaio with only similar specifications and speed - im comparing with sonys because they represent the premium brands which is the best basis for a comparrison i reckon. The reason i said excluding games is because developers dont bother porting games to the mac operating sytem, its not because the systems themselves arent capable of anything. The few games that ARE made for macs aswell run perfectly well (I had world of warcraft on my powerbook for a while and it ran perfectly) as for the posers things... yeah they are posers laptops in a way, but its just the same as buying expensive clothes, or shoes or getting an expensive haircut - Some people want them to be different and the slight price premium sets them above other people like other things do. Myself, i wanted something compact, stylish with tons of features - for the same price range i couldnt see anything better other than another sony vaio, but ive already had one of those so wanted a change. The operating system is a work of art though - its light years ahead of windows.
Not entirely (and im not saying that to be pedantic) - Apple have spent a shitload of time and money adding things ontop of the BSD core, core image, core audio etc etc - its not JUST because of unix, but it did allow them to probably get to where they are much faster than microsoft ever will with having to keep tweaking their age old windows legacy code.
opterons and xeons have been known to beat g5s at video rendering. don get me wrong g5s are really fast but their performance to value ratio gets pissed on by pc's, plus the software library for widows pcs is sooo much bigger. i short they arnt worth the money. osx is not perfect 64 bit isnt widely used at the moment. the new dual core cpus for pc will be fucking immense.
Those are fair comments but people dont buy macs generally because they are the 'highest spec' - some do but its not the most important factor for them It goes without saying that mac OSX is streets ahead of windows in terms of being 'finished' tho. I use a windows machine at work and the number of times that thing craps out on me is stupid..... The whole spyware issue is just laughable with windows.
Not untill they change the 20 year old architicure of a PC will they rival macs. Whats the point in this argument you pay more for macs and you get more, thats the bottom line new range of dual core cpus will be class. as for chosing osx over windows. hmmm rather not, i like the compatibility i get from windows