I ve found a dj who fits two outta the three!!

Discussion in 'Music' started by Doggie, May 22, 2002.

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  1. One Eyed Wheeler

    One Eyed Wheeler Gotta get me some Sasha soon or I'll go blind in b

    Apr 30, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Out of my pants.
    PS You seem as mental as the blonde machine herself (Krystal)!!!! :D:D:D
  2. kalashnikov

    kalashnikov Registered User

    Mar 27, 2002
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    Given that the Judge finds it acceptable to punch clubbers and thought it reasonable to cancel Armin from the Talltrees event, I think him sticking his Vs at his fans is easily believable. He's a dick.
  3. Vin

    Vin Registered User

    Dec 29, 2001
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    1st/2nd Floor
    Matty H in sticking fingers up at punters shock!

    Yes i know it may be hard to believe but this actually happened. Some of you may even have been there. I thought id mention it while we are on the subject.

    About last June it was, Anthony Pappa was supposed to be playing (back in the good old prog days:p ) but he cancelled and so Matt ended up finishing instead. He played the best set ive ever seen Matt play (im not a total Matt worshiper as many are but i was well impressed that night) and he got a fantastic reception that seemed to go on for ages. Then everyone started chanting "one more tune" and it got louder and louder until Matt just stuck his fingers up at everyone and walked off. The place just fell silent and then everyone walked off a bit pissed off. :eek:

    Strange, but true!
  4. DJSequoia

    DJSequoia Registered User

    Apr 19, 2002
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    Usually here or there...
    OMG! Saw lil bit of Sonique's set @ Arena! And good grief I couldn't agree with you more! She just started screaming - no one could understand a word she was saying and most peops were just like SHUT UP MAN! Soooo glad promise ain't booking her! I think someone would end up killing her! Probs me!
  5. Guest

    Im a bit slow at reading these msgs but I just read DJ Stus and how can u complain about Whitley Bay when it was free. Some people are never happy.

    I was 2 mortal to tell if Sonique was good or not @ the arena but I thought she sounded alright - saying that me and Dj Sequoia couldnt tell if it was her on stage at first or not. Her hair looked a bit mad.
  6. rachel

    rachel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    happy happy!! :)
    hes only fucking human though is he not??!!!
    anyway the only fucking dick around here, i think you'll find, is yourself my friend. jesus christ have you got nothing nice to say about anyone or anything god you annoy me sooooo fucking much
  7. Uncle Ste

    Uncle Ste Registered User

    Nov 21, 2001
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    waxing it
    pressure gets to everyone at sometime, especially in high profile jobs, if someone decided to spend a large amount of their night abusing me and i wasnt in a good mood i would probably do the same thing.

    likely as not their is a good reason for armin being cancelled at tall trees. if jules didnt want himin the lineup he wouldnt have been on in the 1st place.

    however the impression i have of judge jules is that he is pretty arrogant, but its not like i know him well enough to be able to pass a correct judgement.
  8. Sweeney

    Sweeney Registered User

    Jan 24, 2002
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    Keeping to the plan
    Agree totally. I also get the impression that he is arrogant...but wouldnt you be if you had a good looking wife, shit loads of money and were without doubt one of the most/if not THE most sucsessful DJ in the history of dance music

    I dont know him well enough to pass a reasoned judgement on him either (does anyone on here? *pauses* no didnt think so :rolleyes: ) so Im not just going to come out with random comments like 'he's a dick' and 'he's a wanker' just because it seems to be the *cool* thing to do :rolleyes:
  9. One Eyed Wheeler

    One Eyed Wheeler Gotta get me some Sasha soon or I'll go blind in b

    Apr 30, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Out of my pants.
    Whether or not pressure does get to him, he should return the respect he gets from his fans, after all, lasses like Rachel who worship the shit he stands on are paying his wages really. How would you feel Rachel if you went to ask for an autograph n he just turned round and told you to "go **** yourself." or smacked you?!?!

    Undoubtedly he's a capable DJ, but with a mint DJ comes charisma, character etc. Every time Ive watched Jules he has created no atmosphere, instead he kinda peed me off with his constant shoulder shrugging and arrogant gestures!! When i read stuff about him I think he's dead sound, but when Ive seen him perform it's a completely different opinion.

    You cannot be blinded by the fact that he plays good tunes. If he acts like a prick, then that's what he is. But there's probably none of us that know the real Jules, only his close friends/family etc. as Bosh said. All we can do is form our opinions on the impressions he has given us, and what Im saying is that mine have not been good ones.

  10. rachel

    rachel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    happy happy!! :)
    fair enough bout sum of the things ya'v said but when he turned round n smacked that dick of a lad he didnt just 'ask for his autograph' did he??!!!
    and julesys gestures when he's playing a set are anything but arrogant and out of all the dj's julesys the best for creating an atmosphere.....but me s'poses we're all entitled to our iccle opinions.
    apart from kalashnikov though (hehe) because me finks he has too many fucking opinions :) xxx
  11. One Eyed Wheeler

    One Eyed Wheeler Gotta get me some Sasha soon or I'll go blind in b

    Apr 30, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Out of my pants.
    Dunno why he smacked the lad, I've never seen that, I was on about why he stuck the Vs up at his fans wanting autographs. They were worshipping him and he couldnt give a fuck.

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